God has been so good to us. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for. When you really stop to think about all the ways God has blessed you, it is truly amazing. Counting your blessings is a full-time, 24/7 job! At least, that's the way I see it! The Thanksgiving holiday is a perfect time to remember that, but actually, we should thank God everyday for what he has done for us.
Of course, one of the greatest things I am thankful for this year is our beautiful new baby girl. She has made a wonderful addition to our family! Since this was her first Thanksgiving, of course, I had to buy her a special holiday outfit. When I dressed her, I noticed the outfit was very "gender neutral," so I decided to add the Clemson headband bow. Nothing screams "girl" like a giant bow on your head, right?

Jacob started his Thanksgiving holiday with a bowl of cereal and the Macy's parade. (He actually ate cereal for lunch too. I guess he wasn't into turkey this year.) I think he enjoyed the parade. He even clapped after some of the performances. The giant balloons fascinated him and his favorite was the Energizer Bunny...go figure.
We spent the afternoon with Heath's family where, as usual, Jacob kept everyone entertained. Who needs TV when you have a 2 year old?

This flashlight served as a conducting baton.

Annabelle got lots of attention too. She was passed around from person to person all day long and I don't think she woke up once! That girl loves to sleep! She did finally wake up for a while later that evening.

Jacob still loves to give his baby sister kisses. That is probably how she came down with a cold. Jacob has had a cold for over a week now and Annabelle is sick too. This has not been fun. A newborn with a cold is pitiful, and Jacob is miserable too. He walks around the house crying because his nose is constantly running. "Nose munnin...nose munnin," he says. I'm praying both of them get over these colds soon....very soon.
I have a few more pictures of Annabelle to post and I'd like to add a couple videos of Jacob at the Wiggles concert. He and Daddy had a great time! Unfortunately, my blogging time is up. I've come to realize that when you have a 2 year old and a newborn, there is no such thing as spare time. I promise I'll add more eventually!