Annabelle loved Grazie. Grazie loved Annabelle. They followed each other around the house throughout our visit. Grazie gave Annabelle lots of
After what seemed like a very short night, we woke up and drove into Atlanta to see what we could seee. We ended up at the Children's Museum. Jacob and Annabelle had a blast. Both of them were sleepy, as we arrived during their naptime (they both fell asleep in the stroller), but they still had tons of fun. Jacob ran from exhibit to exhibit, playing and exploring, not sure what to do or where to go next. Annabelle acted much the same way.
Much of Jacob's time was spent near the grocery store. He liked unloading the truck and pushing the boxes down the conveyor belt. I thought this was going to be his favorite area...until he found the tree house.
Annabelle thoroughly enjoyed the huge water table play area. She had so much fun fishing and splashing in the water. Thank goodness they had little raincoats for the kids to wear or she would have been completely soaked.
Jacob had fun here, too.
After we left the museum, we walked to the World of Coke. Jacob and Annabelle, once again, fell asleep in the stroller and it worked out well because we waited in a Disney World-esque line just to get through the door. Jacob slept through most of our tour, but Annabelle woke up during the first informational movie. I thought it was funny that the child we had to pay admission for slept the whole time, while the one who got in free woke up. Oh well. It didn't really bother me. I wasn't about to wake Jacob from his nap. Anyone who knows Jacob knows what a mistake that would have been.
We met the Coca-Cola bear. Sorry, Jacob. You missed out on this one, but at least you're in the picture!
My favorite part of the World of Coke has always been the tasting room, where you're free to try all kinds of sodas from around the world. I don't know why this is my favorite part because, in my opinion, most of the drinks are not good. So many of them taste like cough medicine. Even though they're gross, it's fun to try them out. I even tried all the gross ones I remembered from years ago just to see if my tastes had changed. Nope. Still gross. Reason #5,372 why I'm glad I live in America!
It's not July 4th without fireworks, so the next night, we went to a local park where a festival was being held...complete with fireworks. Earlier that day, we went to church and the service was fantastic. Jacob had so much fun in sunday school. For the rest of the day, he talked about it -- about the games they played, the snack they ate, the friends he made. I think Annabelle had a good time as well.
On our way to the park!
Already looking for fireworks.
I love picnics...and chips!!
I love Uncle Phil. He gives me rainbow Jell-O!
Jacob had his face painted for the first time. Sure, he's painted his sister's face with a Sharpie, but he's never had his own painted...until now! He sat motionless in that chair...much like the way he sits for a haircut. He asked for a star...
and a star, he received!
Hey, look! I got stars, too!!
...because you can't celebrate America's freedom without.......a whoopie cushion?!?!?!
Thanks for the lift, Aunt Shelli! Now I can REALLY see these fireworks. The question is, can you?