Jacob is six years, one month, and seventeen days old. He's all grown up (as far as he's concerned). He is now a first grader and he graduated from AWANA Cubbies to Sparks at church. He couldn't be more proud. And neither could I. :)
August 6, 2012 -- Happy Birthday, Jacob! |
Here is my interview with this very special six year old.
Me: Jacob, what is your favorite color?
J: Blue
Really, Mom? Another picture? Just let me eat my cupcake. |
Me: What is your favorite food?
J: Pepperoni pizza (this has changed since his birthday. He went through a summer phase where he would only eat cheese pizza)
Me: What is your favorite thing to do?
J: Play with Legos.
Me: Why?
J: Because you can build with them...and take them apart. You can build anything with your imagination.
Me: Do you like school?
J: Sometimes.
Me: What do you like about school?
J: You learn things and sometimes we do science experiments
Me: What don't you like about school?
J: Doing boring things
Me: Like what?
J: Math
Me: Do you think math is boring?
J: Yeah. It's just a bunch of questions.
Me: What is your favorite subject?
J: Singing the timeline song (Jacob absolutely
loves the timeline song -- a song that accompanies the 161 historical events he's memorizing this year. We listen to this song and go through the cards at least three times a day...and it's 13 minutes long.)
Having fun at the playground |
Me: So, what's it like being six years old?
J: You get to do big kid things.
Me: Like what?
J: Playing football...and teaching a little sister how to act in her life.
Me: What do you teach your sister?
J: To be good. Sometimes I teach her something and she never does it.
Me: Do you like playing football?
J: Yeah, the best!
Me: What position do you play?
J: Center
Me: What is your favorite sport to play?
J: Tee Ball
Me: Who is your best friend?
J: Carter
Me: What kinds of things do you do when you're together?
J: Play with Legos, play with cars, big trucks...and play Star Wars outside
Wheeeeee...just havin' fun! |
Me: Do you like to read?
J: Yes.
Me: What is your favorite book?
Lego Star Wars: Save the Galaxy
A giant Yoda marshmallow! |
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
J: I want to work at Lego with Carter.
Me: Doing what?
J: Making Legos.
Me: I heard you doing the beatbox a minute ago. Where did you learn to do that?
J: (smiling) Nowhere.
Me: Are you a beatbox master?
J: No.
Me: Well, what are you then?
J: I just like to play music.
Me: What is your favorite song?
J: (does a beatbox version of the Darth Vader song) the Darth Vader Song
Me: Ok. What is your favorite song that you hear on the radio?
J: Reaching for You (by Lincoln Brewster) because Daddy plays that song.
R2D2 Cake by Erika and Paula :) |
Cool! Just what I wanted! |
Cheese! |
Me: Who do you want to win the presidential election?
J: Mitt Romney
Me: Good choice. Why?
J: Because I just like him.
Making a new friend at the playground. |
Who has the highest score? |
If you couldn't tell, we celebrated Jacob's birthday with a bowling party. All the kids had a great time. The morning of his birthday, we went to the Sea Pines playground, per the birthday boy's request. He wanted to play and climb the steps to the top of the Harbor Town lighthouse. So, that's what we did...after we opened a couple presents. Since his party wasn't until the following weekend, I bought him a cupcake, a very large cupcake, for him to eat that night. He didn't eat it. The next morning, he told me, "I just didn't think I needed all that sugar." I love this kid.
Jacob, I can't believe you are six years old. The past six years have gone by so incredibly fast and I love you more and more every day. I love that you would play with Legos every second of every day if I would let you. I love that you are willing to share your Legos with your sister...sometimes. I love that you have superhuman memory skills. I love that you are a beatbox master (even though you say you aren't). I love that you compose your own music at the piano. I love that you love music. I love that you have a crazy imagination and are always making up stories...mostly about Legos and Star Wars. I love that you have lost your two front bottom teeth. You just look so cute! I love how brave and excited you were about losing those teeth. I love that you always ask permission before going into the snack jar. I love that when you say your prayers at night you ask God to "help the president obey your (God's) rules." I love that you can't eat chocolate without getting it all over your face -- not even a single M&M. I love that you want to be just like your Daddy. I love that you love to read. I love that you love to read the Bible. I love that you call me out when I am wrong about something. I love your big smile. I love that you love school (even though you sometimes say you don't). I love that you like to teach your sister "how to act in her life." I love that you love your sister. I love that you aren't usually shy and aren't afraid to talk to people. I love that you love to wear sunglasses. I love that in all your drawings, your stick people have no arms (this probably comes from watching so many episodes of Veggie Tales). I love that you aren't afraid to try new things. Jacob, you are an extraordinary little boy and I am so very blessed to be your mommy. I love everything about you and can't wait to see what God has in store for you!