I love my Hah-Buh.
Proud Grandparents.......
I love my Hah-Buh.
We were asked to light the Advent candle at the Christmas Eve service at church, so that was a little adventure. We were stressing about it all day because we weren't sure how Jacob was going to act. I thought, maybe, seeing all the people in the congregation would cause him to clam up a little. I was wrong. There could have been a million people watching and he wouldn't have cared! He threw a little fit in the beginning because he wanted to hold the candle, but other than that, he really wasn't too bad. I also got a little nervous since Annabelle decided to get fussy as soon as we walked up on stage. Thankfully, I was able to quiet her down rather quickly. Jacob still talks about that night. "Light a candle....people watchin'," he says.
The service was beautiful and was a perfect way to get our minds re-focused on what Christmas is all about. Our culture makes it so easy to get caught up in other things, but without Christ, there would be no Christmas.
Speaking of those "other things," Jacob didn't totally get the whole Santa concept, but he had a good time helping to bake cookies to leave for him on Christmas eve. I must confess, we made the slice and bake kind, but we did pour some sprinkles on top for some additional fun...and some additional mess! By the time we were finished, the kitchen tile was beautifully decorated in rainbow sprinkles. Another job for the Dirt Devil Kone!
Wow! Look what's in here!Our little Christmas bundle!
I LOVE presents!
All this excitement is making me sleepy. Can I take a nap now?
Annabelle sure is getting big. She's outgrown her newborn diapers and graduated to a size 1. I wish they made a diaper in between the two because although the newborns are too small, the size 1 diapers are still a little big. The tape overlaps quite a bit in the front. Oh well. As long as they don't leak, I am ok with it!
I'm still waiting to see her first "real" smile. Every time I think she's actually smiling, it's been followed up by a huge spit up. I remember waiting on Jacob's first smile. When he finally did smile at me, I knew it was the real thing. Annabelle will be smiling and laughing soon, I just know it!
Can you believe this warm weather? We went for a walk this morning and it was actually hot! It is mid December and I am wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Is it really almost Christmas? I am still loving the stroller, by the way. This was the first time Annabelle has ridden in it without being in her car seat. Both she and Jacob enjoyed the ride. Can't you tell?
Playtime with Hah-Buh
He can say Annabelle if he pronounces it slowly, but for the most part, Jacob calls his sister Hah-Buh. I wonder if this is something that will stick. Will he be calling Annabelle Hah-Buh forever? Whatever he calls her, he does love her. He's constantly smothering her with hugs and kisses....literally. He'll lay on top of her when she's in her bouncy seat and say, "I yuv her." (I love her.) Really cute. I think Annabelle is going to be a tough little girl. She'll have to be with her crazy brother around :) She's only a month old and already she's been hit in the head with a toy guitar, kicked, and head-butted -- all, thanks to her loving big brother. Amazingly, whenever one of these little accidents occurrs, she hardly ever cries. She's probably used to it. I think she got a taste of all these things even before she was born.
This video is from a couple days ago (pre haircut). Jacob got a much needed haircut yesterday. His hair grows so fast now!
Where's Jacob? There he is!!
Look at my beautiful sweater! I feel pretty...oh so pretty......
Jacob loves to show toys to Annabelle. Here's a quick video I shot this morning:
This flashlight served as a conducting baton.
Annabelle got lots of attention too. She was passed around from person to person all day long and I don't think she woke up once! That girl loves to sleep! She did finally wake up for a while later that evening.
Jacob loves Curious George, but we know he loves Annabelle too. At one of Annabelle's weight check doctor visits, Nana and Jacob stayed in the waiting room while I took Annabelle to see the nurse. Jacob was perfectly content playing with the office toys...until he heard a baby crying behind the door. Apparently, Jacob was about to beat down the door trying to get to "Ha-buh" (Annabelle) because he heard her crying and it really upset him. So, the receptionist let him and my mom walk through to find his baby sister. Annabelle was fine. Jacob must have heard another baby crying, but he needed to be sure his sister was ok.