Jacob loves to get into things he's not supposed to and now that Annabelle is here, he has quite a few more opportunities because I'm busy tending to her as well as trying to keep up with him. Monday afternoon while I was feeding Annabelle, he found my purse. This actually turned out to be not such a bad thing. He took everything out, item by item, and I instructed him to throw several things away. My purse is now cleaned out. I've been meaning to do that for a while, so...thank you Jacob!

Christmas is just around the corner. Can you believe it? I sure can't. This year has flown by! Decorating the house is still a work in progress. It's starting to drive me crazy -- not the decorating, but the mess I'm creating. In order to make room for Christmas decorations, "everyday" decorations must come down. And when the everyday things come down, that means I have to find a place for them. It seems our house keeps getting smaller and smaller and I'm having a hard time finding storage space. Right now, things are stacked up on the floor against the wall and in other various, not so inconspicuous places, like in the middle of the foyer. I'll find a place for everything eventually. It might not be until after Christmas, but I am determined.

While he was "cleaning" out my purse, he found a pack of gum. He said, "Mommy eat it." I said, "Yes, Mommy chews it. Now put it back." He did. He kept saying, "Mommy eat it," but never tried to open it or anything. Later that afternoon, I caught him swallowing a piece of gum and about to open stick number four...yes...stick number four of Wrigley's Doublemint gum. He had already eaten three. The gum wrappers were balled up on the floor as proof and Jacob's breath was minty fresh. I've always heard it takes seven years for a piece of gum to pass through your system when swallowed, but I'm assuming that's just an old wive's tale. If it isn't, Jacob is in trouble!
Annabelle is becoming more alert everyday, staying awake longer between feedings and studying everyone who holds her. She is still eating every three hours at night and every two or two and a half hours during the day. I took her to church for the first time this past Sunday. She slept through the whole service, so it worked out perfectly. Heath left the house early because he's leading a video series in Sunday School, so it was up to me to get everyone fed and dressed in their Sunday best. Amazingly, it was a fun, relaxing morning. Both Jacob and Annabelle were in happy moods, despite the cold, rainy weather.
I've noticed something strange happening lately. Somehow, ornaments that were originally hung in the middle of the Christmas tree are reappearing on the bottom branches near the floor. I've also seen a few ornaments hung on other ornaments instead of tree branches. I am quite certain this is the work of a little two year old elf named Jacob. He loves the Christmas tree. To him, it is something else fun to get into. Annabelle loves the tree too, but she just likes to stare at the lights. I know someday in the not so distant future, Jacob will be teaching his little sister how much fun it is to rearrange the ornaments when Mommy and Daddy aren't looking. :)
Jacob loves to show toys to Annabelle. Here's a quick video I shot this morning:
Merry Christmas Jacob and Annabelle! Make sure to tell your mommy that I hear Karen Carpenter singing in the background of the video! :)
- Katie Mei's Mommy
Looks like the seven years thing isn't a worry: http://www.snopes.com/oldwives/chewgum.asp
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