It was a perfect day for the beach -- not too crowded, not too hot, and a gentle breeze...well, it was gentle except for that one gust that sent our beach umbrella flying across the sand. We couldn't have asked for a better day! Jacob was especially excited to go to the "booch." Since it wasn't crowded this morning, he was able to run all over the place. When he got to the water, he squealed with excitement as the waves hit his legs, followed by a "Whoooaaa!" when they knocked him down. If we hadn't been there with him, he would have kept running right out into the ocean. As I've stated many times before, Jacob loves the water!

Tell me again where we're going.

Yay! The Booch!
Heading out to the ocean

Jacob is enjoying some sandy crackers. Doesn't everything taste better with a little grit?

Building sand castles

It's funny that we live so close to the beach, yet seem to get there so infrequently. After the wonderful time we had today, I've decided we should go more often. I guess I'll just have to put "go to beach" more towards the top of our "things to do" list!
1 comment:
These are great pictures! I love the one of you! You look beautiful! I like the very first one too.
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