Jacob really is growing up fast. He even helps me bring in groceries from the car now. He's been helping to put them away for a while, but bringing them in is something new. He's so proud of himself when he is able to carry a bag all the way from the car to the kitchen. It's funny to watch him do it because those bags look so big when he's carrying them.
Katie started preschool this week and I think Jacob is already missing her a little. Yesterday, at the grocery store, I let him ride in the race car buggy. I usually only push that thing around if I have both him and Katie with me. It's so hard to maneuver and I always crash into aises and other innocent shoppers. Oops! But, this time I gave in to his crying and put him in the race car. Throughout the trip, he kept patting the seat next to him saying, "Katie...Katie...Katie" because he knows she usually sits there with him. We'll definitely have to schedule some playdates!
They had a blast playing in the tents and the tunnels last week. They chased each other over and over again. When Katie walked in the house and saw everything set up for the first time, she said, "This is COOL!"
Playtime with Jacob keeps getting more and more fun. This morning, we played with his grocery store, monkey chair, basketball goal, piano, busy ball popper, phone, and then we read a few books. He pulled out his monkey chair and played with it for a long time. He pointed to the monkey's mouth and said, "banana." I asked him if the monkey had a banana for breakfast and he said, "Noo....faffle....bo-guck (waffle and yogurt)" He's so funny! Reading a Blue's Clues book led to making a fan because that's what Steve does in the book to cool off. Jacob went to the drawer, pulled out a piece of paper, handed it to me, and said, "fat....fat...fat." That's how he says "fan." When he pulled out his toy phone, he proceeded to call several people and "tak" (talk) to them. He makes me laugh everyday, especially now that he's talking more. He's quite the entertainer!
Here are some pictures of Jacob playing with that monkey chair in May '07. When he was nine months old, he liked to climb on it, pull the eyebrows and hair out, and bite his nose. Things have definitely changed! Now, he talks to the monkey, actually sits on it and tries to guess what the monkey has had for breakfast. I will say, Jacob still does enjoy pulling out its eyebrows as well as climbing on it and making it fall over.
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