Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the cooler weather, the gentle breezes, and the leaves changing colors on the trees. I especially love "fall food," like any and all things pumpkin -- pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin doughnuts, pumpkin soup, pumpkin cookies......ok, you get the idea.
Last year, we took Jacob to a local farmer's market where they had set up a small pumpkin patch and I got several really cute pictures. We visited that same pumpkin patch this year. Jacob had so much fun running around and trying to roll the "punkins" through the hay. Actually, he enjoys any outdoor activity. He also liked to go see the "people" (sticks with sheets on the top made to look like ghosts). I took a few pictures, but they all came out a little blurry. I guess something was wrong with the camera settings. As it turns out, the farmer's market is closed on Sundays, so we weren't able to buy a pumpkin that day. Maybe we'll get back there sometime this week to make a purchase and take a few more pictures.
Jacob and I looked at the pictures yesterday and he got so excited about seeing himself in the "punkin.......patch." That's the way he says it, with a pause in the middle. I guess he loves pumpkins just as much as I do!
It was very difficult trying to get Jacob to sit still for any posed pictures. I am surprised we got these!
Here's my favorite picture from last year's pumpkin patch outing. What a difference a year makes!
Sweet Moments
I know I've blogged about Jacob's little (and not so little) temper tantrums, but I'd say, the majority of the time, he is such a sweet little boy. The other day while we were in the car, I looked back at him and out of the blue, he said, "I yuh you, Mommy." (I love you, Mommy). That was just the sweetest thing and it brought tears to my eyes. He's done it a couple more times since then and I certainly never tire of hearing those words!
I know I've blogged about Jacob's little (and not so little) temper tantrums, but I'd say, the majority of the time, he is such a sweet little boy. The other day while we were in the car, I looked back at him and out of the blue, he said, "I yuh you, Mommy." (I love you, Mommy). That was just the sweetest thing and it brought tears to my eyes. He's done it a couple more times since then and I certainly never tire of hearing those words!
As many of you know, I've had a chronic stuffy nose for...well...it's going on 3 months now. The doctor says it's pregnancy related. Anyway, that stuffy nose has developed into a nasty cold. Perfect timing right? This morning, I was blowing my nose for the millionth time and Jacob walked up to me and said, "Nose.....munnin'?" (Nose running?) He seemed very concerned. I replied, "Yes, my nose is running." When I finally finished, he asked, "All beh-yuh?" (All better?) He is so cute. I love him. :)
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