Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mommy's Dress

One of the fun things about having a little girl is getting to dress her in my old clothes. Here is Annabelle wearing one of my dresses. My mom brought it to me, along with a few others, when she came down for Christmas. I wore this dress for my 1 month photos.

Here are a few more Christmas photos from the past several days:

Annabelle loves Aunt Michelle and Uncle Philip!

Ooooohhh! Puzzles!

Grandpapa, will you please comb my hair?

The annual family Christmas Thomas

Sound asleep.

I love my Hah-Buh.

Proud Grandparents.......

What a Fun Christmas!

I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone! We had so much fun this year. I vote to celebrate again next week. Anyone else with me???

We were asked to light the Advent candle at the Christmas Eve service at church, so that was a little adventure. We were stressing about it all day because we weren't sure how Jacob was going to act. I thought, maybe, seeing all the people in the congregation would cause him to clam up a little. I was wrong. There could have been a million people watching and he wouldn't have cared! He threw a little fit in the beginning because he wanted to hold the candle, but other than that, he really wasn't too bad. I also got a little nervous since Annabelle decided to get fussy as soon as we walked up on stage. Thankfully, I was able to quiet her down rather quickly. Jacob still talks about that night. "Light a candle....people watchin'," he says.

The service was beautiful and was a perfect way to get our minds re-focused on what Christmas is all about. Our culture makes it so easy to get caught up in other things, but without Christ, there would be no Christmas.

Speaking of those "other things," Jacob didn't totally get the whole Santa concept, but he had a good time helping to bake cookies to leave for him on Christmas eve. I must confess, we made the slice and bake kind, but we did pour some sprinkles on top for some additional fun...and some additional mess! By the time we were finished, the kitchen tile was beautifully decorated in rainbow sprinkles. Another job for the Dirt Devil Kone!

After reading the Christmas story in his Toddler Bible, we put Jacob to bed and sure enough, Santa showed up! He ate all the cookies, drank most of the milk, and the reindeer ate almost all of the carrots. Side note about Jacob's pajamas: Jacob has been playing with his guitars (yes, he has multiple guitars) lately and the other day while he was playing and dancing around, I said, "Are you a rock star?" Apparently, that stuck with him because now he'll walk up to me with his guitar and say, "Jacob a rock tar!!" When I saw these pj's, I just had to buy them.

One of Jacob's main gifts this year was a Fisher-Price "kid tough" DVD player. It was definitely a hit......until it broke later on Christmas morning. What a bummer...for Jacob and for me. I guess it wasn't so "kid tough" after all. We emailed Santa and told him he left us a defective gift. He apologized and said we'd receive a replacement in a few days. I hope this one works!!

Annabelle was all smiles Christmas morning. I'm convinced they are real smiles now, although some are still followed by a burp or a spit-up. Her daddy was really making her smile on this particular occasion. Be forewarned, this video ends with a massive spit-up, probably due to all the shaking.

Wow! Look what's in here!

Our little Christmas bundle!

I LOVE presents!

All this excitement is making me sleepy. Can I take a nap now?

The future rockstar, enjoying some of his stocking treats.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Coffee Anyone? Fresh Off the Floor!

Jacob loves playing with his grocery store register and all the pretend foods. He's always bringing me different foods and/or making me a sandwich or something. Yesterday, while I was trying to get a few things done around the house, he kept bringing me his little milk carton and saying it was coffee. "Coffee..good!," he told me. "Want some more?" Each time, I would say "Yes, please," and he would take the milk carton and return with more "coffee." This went on for a while. As I was putting clothes in the dryer, I began to smell the very strong aroma of coffee. This is what I found when I walked into the kitchen:

Jacob had taken the coffee pods from the pantry, opened a couple, and poured them out onto the floor, making our house smell like Starbuck's. As you can see, he was very proud of himself. "Coffee!!!" he exclaimed. He had also found hot chocolate packets, but fortunately, he didn't open any of those. Well, I don't know...maybe he should have opened them. The chocolate combined with the coffee may have created a nice mocha scent. Anyway, after taking a quick picture, I proceeded to clean up the mess. With Jacob around, our Dirt Devil Kone sure gets a workout.

Annabelle sure is getting big. She's outgrown her newborn diapers and graduated to a size 1. I wish they made a diaper in between the two because although the newborns are too small, the size 1 diapers are still a little big. The tape overlaps quite a bit in the front. Oh well. As long as they don't leak, I am ok with it!

I'm still waiting to see her first "real" smile. Every time I think she's actually smiling, it's been followed up by a huge spit up. I remember waiting on Jacob's first smile. When he finally did smile at me, I knew it was the real thing. Annabelle will be smiling and laughing soon, I just know it!

Can you believe this warm weather? We went for a walk this morning and it was actually hot! It is mid December and I am wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Is it really almost Christmas? I am still loving the stroller, by the way. This was the first time Annabelle has ridden in it without being in her car seat. Both she and Jacob enjoyed the ride. Can't you tell?

Playtime with Hah-Buh

He can say Annabelle if he pronounces it slowly, but for the most part, Jacob calls his sister Hah-Buh. I wonder if this is something that will stick. Will he be calling Annabelle Hah-Buh forever? Whatever he calls her, he does love her. He's constantly smothering her with hugs and kisses....literally. He'll lay on top of her when she's in her bouncy seat and say, "I yuv her." (I love her.) Really cute. I think Annabelle is going to be a tough little girl. She'll have to be with her crazy brother around :) She's only a month old and already she's been hit in the head with a toy guitar, kicked, and head-butted -- all, thanks to her loving big brother. Amazingly, whenever one of these little accidents occurrs, she hardly ever cries. She's probably used to it. I think she got a taste of all these things even before she was born.

This video is from a couple days ago (pre haircut). Jacob got a much needed haircut yesterday. His hair grows so fast now!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Can you believe it? I actually did a little more Christmas shopping this weekend...and not on the internet! (Actually, I did a little internet shopping too.) We ended up going out Friday afternoon and again on Saturday. Talk about an exhausting weekend!

I had designated Friday as the big Santa visit day and began prepping Jacob for this quite some time ago. We talked about what he would say to him and how he would sit on Santa's lap for a quick picture. Well, all my prepping didn't work quite as well as I had hoped. As we strolled up to Santa, Heath got Jacob out of the stroller and started walking over to him. Jacob had a look of fear on his face. He pointed in the other direction and said, "No! This way! No! This Way!" He did not want to go anywhere near Santa. Being the torturous parents we are, we took him over and sat him on Santa's lap. He cried for about a half a second, then quieted down, but he did not like it one bit. We couldn't get him to smile for anything. Annabelle slept through the whole experience, if you can believe that. :)
Jacob's pants aren't really that short. They just got a little hiked up when we sat him down. So...this picture really sums up the '08 Santa visit -- one kid out cold, the other paralyzed by fear. Maybe next year will be a little better. Jacob may not care for Santa Claus this year, but he does know the real meaning of Christmas -- Jesus' birthday. If you ask him, he'll tell you.

Since we didn't get enough of the crowds and craziness Friday, we set out again the next day. Have you ever noticed that even the most patient people get a little testy around the holidays? I think it's the pressure of finding the perfect gift, combined with the fact that you're about to spend an enormous amount of money on that perfect gift. Anyway.....Friday afternoon, the craziness began before we even made it to the mall. Traffic was TERRIBLE!! While we sat there on the road, Heath, who admittedly is not the most patient person in the world, began to regret the fact that we were out shopping again. "Did we really need to go to Bass Pro Shops?.....I can't believe we're sitting here like this. This is awful.....Why didn't we just stick to online shopping, etc., etc., etc....." I just sat quietly and listened to him talk. After all, it was my idea to go out that day. Right at that moment, something happened that struck me as funny and I could not contain my laughter. As Heath was at the height of his complaining, we hear Johnny Mathis on the radio belting out, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" I couldn't have chosen a better song to capture that moment!

Last Sunday, we went out to Palmetto Bluff for a Christmas photo shoot. As wired as Jacob was that day, I can't believe how well the pictures turned out. You would have thought we gave him a cup of sugar right before we went out there. I can't imagine how he would have acted if we had!! That is a scary thought! Here are a few pictures from the day. If you're bored and want to see more, here is the link: Then, click on Duncan family.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Just Another Day

'Tis the go shopping! I decided even before Annabelle was born, all my Christmas shopping (or at least the vast majority) would be done online this year. You can find anything and everything online and several websites offer free shipping, so it really is easier. But...I miss "real" shopping. I already miss the stress of wandering around the mall all day searching for the perfect gift. Weird, huh? I have learned that the stressful part of Christmas shopping exists even with online shopping. Searching for THE perfect gift is very hard work. In fact, the wheels of my mind are turning right now even as I type this, trying to come up with gift ideas for friends and family. Hmmmmmmm........

Today I had a Christmas related errand to run, so I loaded Jacob and Annabelle into the car and headed out. I also needed to stop by Belk to pick up some lipstick. I was down to the very bottom and the sides of the tube were beginning to scratch my lips. (Does that ever happen to anyone else?) SIDE STORY: When it comes to lipstick, I couldn't be more boring. I have worn the same lipstick color for years -- Tenderheart, by Clinique. I don't know what I would do if the company decided to discontinue that color. What a sad day that would be. I have decided I am ready to broaden my lipstick horizons and try something new. Perhaps that will be one of my new year's resolutions. I certainly won't give up Tenderheart, but I am sure I can add a few or at least one new color to my make-up bag.

Ok...back to my original story. So I get to Belk and as I pull into a parking space, Annabelle begins to cry. She is hungry, so I get her out of her car seat and take care of that. Jacob was very patient and content listening to the kids channel on XM radio -- except when I started singing. Then he yelled, "No Mommy! No, Mommy." I guess he doesn't like my singing anymore :( When Annabelle was finished eating, I buckled her back into her car seat and decided I would get out the new double stroller and at least walk around the mall for a few minutes since I had the time. What I didn't know, was that getting the stroller out of the car and ready to go was going to take another 30 minutes. (Ok...yes...that is an exaggeration, but it probably did take me at least 10-15 minutes.)

First of all, the stroller is heavy. Second, it doesn't "pop up" the way it should. I stood at the back of my car fighting and struggling with this stroller for what seemed like forever. I provided entertainment for at least one woman who parked her car, got out, and stood and watched me for a little while before walking into the store. When I finally got the stroller ready, I had broken a sweat, despite the 54 degree temperature. Now I realize it sounds like I am complaining. I'm really not complaining...just whining a little bit. I do LOVE the stroller. It was great once I finally got in the store. Jacob loves it and I think Annabelle does too. It is so easy to push and maneuver. I just think I need a little more practice setting it up and taking it down. Yes, getting it folded up and back in the car was another sweat inducing workout. I think I'll practice at home a few more times, so the next time I go somewhere, hopefully I won't provide parking lot entertainment.

Everyone knows Jacob's most treasured posession is his Mr. Monkey -- a little blue blanket with a monkey head on the top. He has had it since he was tiny and I think he will have it for the rest of his disintegrates first. Mr. Monkey ripped a few weeks ago. I'm still not sure how it happened. The hole has gotten much larger and Jacob has pulled all the stuffing out of the blanket and turned it inside out. I wonder what people were thinking today as I pushed him through the mall because when he pulls out the stuffing, somehow the majority of it ends up in his hair. By the time we got back outside, his head was covered with white "fuzz" -- that's what Jacob calls it. Poor Mr. Monkey. I need to learn how to sew...and fast!!!!

Where's Jacob? There he is!!

Look at my beautiful sweater! I feel pretty...oh so pretty......

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does It Really Take Seven Years....?

Jacob loves to get into things he's not supposed to and now that Annabelle is here, he has quite a few more opportunities because I'm busy tending to her as well as trying to keep up with him. Monday afternoon while I was feeding Annabelle, he found my purse. This actually turned out to be not such a bad thing. He took everything out, item by item, and I instructed him to throw several things away. My purse is now cleaned out. I've been meaning to do that for a while, so...thank you Jacob!

While he was "cleaning" out my purse, he found a pack of gum. He said, "Mommy eat it." I said, "Yes, Mommy chews it. Now put it back." He did. He kept saying, "Mommy eat it," but never tried to open it or anything. Later that afternoon, I caught him swallowing a piece of gum and about to open stick number four...yes...stick number four of Wrigley's Doublemint gum. He had already eaten three. The gum wrappers were balled up on the floor as proof and Jacob's breath was minty fresh. I've always heard it takes seven years for a piece of gum to pass through your system when swallowed, but I'm assuming that's just an old wive's tale. If it isn't, Jacob is in trouble!

Annabelle is becoming more alert everyday, staying awake longer between feedings and studying everyone who holds her. She is still eating every three hours at night and every two or two and a half hours during the day. I took her to church for the first time this past Sunday. She slept through the whole service, so it worked out perfectly. Heath left the house early because he's leading a video series in Sunday School, so it was up to me to get everyone fed and dressed in their Sunday best. Amazingly, it was a fun, relaxing morning. Both Jacob and Annabelle were in happy moods, despite the cold, rainy weather.

Christmas is just around the corner. Can you believe it? I sure can't. This year has flown by! Decorating the house is still a work in progress. It's starting to drive me crazy -- not the decorating, but the mess I'm creating. In order to make room for Christmas decorations, "everyday" decorations must come down. And when the everyday things come down, that means I have to find a place for them. It seems our house keeps getting smaller and smaller and I'm having a hard time finding storage space. Right now, things are stacked up on the floor against the wall and in other various, not so inconspicuous places, like in the middle of the foyer. I'll find a place for everything eventually. It might not be until after Christmas, but I am determined.

I've noticed something strange happening lately. Somehow, ornaments that were originally hung in the middle of the Christmas tree are reappearing on the bottom branches near the floor. I've also seen a few ornaments hung on other ornaments instead of tree branches. I am quite certain this is the work of a little two year old elf named Jacob. He loves the Christmas tree. To him, it is something else fun to get into. Annabelle loves the tree too, but she just likes to stare at the lights. I know someday in the not so distant future, Jacob will be teaching his little sister how much fun it is to rearrange the ornaments when Mommy and Daddy aren't looking. :)

Jacob loves to show toys to Annabelle. Here's a quick video I shot this morning: