Isn't it funny how a song can instantly transport you back to a certain point in time? This morning when I got in the car, R.E.M.'s Shiny Happy People was playing on the radio and just like that....I was back in middle school shopping at RAVE (anyone remember that store? Is it even still around?) For some reason, I vividly remember looking through the clothes racks at RAVE while this song was playing. I'm sure I was probably singing too....shiny happy people holding ha-a-a-a-nds.....
Tonight, on the way home from church, we didn't listen to the radio. Instead, we sang -- real songs and made up songs. First we sang the song about Zacchaeus. You know the one: Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he....... Jacob asked me to sing that one over and over and over and over and over again. I was finally able to mix in a few others, but he still asked for the Zacchaeus song. "Sing, Mommy, sing! Key-us!" he says. One of Jacob's favorite things to do is make up songs about objects he sees, so we also sang songs about stop signs, houses, stoplights, trees, cars, etc... It's kinda fun, actually. :)

Heath had already taken Annabelle home with him and a few minutes after we left church, Jacob realized she wasn't in her usual place beside him in the back seat. " her seat!!! Oh no!! Annabelle in her seat!!!" He was very upset that she wasn't there, but when I explained that she was already at home with Daddy, he calmed down.
He's been pretty protective of her lately. The other day during StrollerFit, another baby (she's a year old) decided she wanted to sit on top of Annabelle. Of course, Annabelle didn't particularly care for this and began to scream. When Jacob saw the other baby sitting on Annabelle, he yelled, "Don't touch her!" I've never heard him say that before. Then, the baby's mom picked her up and said, "superbaby!!" making her "fly" across the room. Jacob, looking disgusted, said, "No! Annabelle's a superbaby! Annabelle's a superbaby!" Heath plays "superbaby" with Annabelle sometimes, so I guess Jacob thinks there can only be one superbaby...and that is his sister.
For the past several days, our afternoon activities have included a dance party...usually to the Imagination Movers music. Jacob loves this CD and asks to listen to it all the time.
Notice the sea of toys behind him in the video. I am happy to say, all those toys have been transferred to their new home in Jacob's room. I was finally able to take back my living room!! Well...almost. There are still a couple toys in there, but one or two are much easier to deal with than one hundred!
We are in the process of redecorating Jacob's new big boy room and decorating Annabelle's room. This is quite a task. As soon as the rooms are finished, I'll post pictures. There are still several things I need to get for Jacob's room. Hopefully, I'll find them this weekend. I keep wondering how Jacob will do in the new big boy bed...or should I say, how I will do with Jacob in his new big boy bed. I think he'll adjust fine. He seems to adapt to change pretty well. I, on the other hand, am not looking forward to him being able to get up and run around the house freely whenever he wants to. I like having some control over when he gets out of bed. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. For now, though, I'm going to enjoy my last few days of "bed control."
Another week has passed and Annabelle still hasn't rolled over. I'm not worried about it. She'll roll when she wants to. She isn't very fond of tummy time either. She is starting to reach for toys and grab things more. Last night when I got home, she was holding onto one of the bassinet slats as she was sleeping.

Annabelle does seem to enjoy the Bumbo seat. She's always been good at holding her head up and she's getting even better at it. She's getting to be such a big girl!
Ok...I better end now. There are errands to be run...trips to Target and Publix, etc...oh yeah, and a birthday cake to be baked. ;) Heath's birthday is Friday the 13th. Ha Ha.