It's been an exciting week for the Duncan family -- a birthday, big boy bed, haircut, etc... Lots of fun stuff!
Despite the fact that his birthday was on Friday the 13th, I think Heath had a great day. We threw a huge party at home to celebrate....if you consider heart-shaped pizza from Papa John's and birthday cake a huge party :) .
The heart-shaped pizza was such a clever idea. Good job Papa John's! The pizzas were a little on the small side though, so it's a good thing we ordered two. The other one was topped with mushrooms and olives and I think Jacob could have eaten the whole thing by himself!
Make a wish!
Jacob and Annabelle made Daddy a Coke cake. It turned out really well! We didn't intend to put only two candles on the cake, but I couldn't find anymore and wasn't going to load everyone up in the car and make a grocery store trip just to buy more candles. Would you?
Valentine's Day proved to be an exciting day as well! We got up early and took Jacob to see Mr. Jerry that morning for a haircut. He was waaaaaaay overdue! His hair grows so fast! Jacob still seems to love having his hair cut. In fact, when we pulled into the parking lot, he yelled, "Mr. Jerry!!!!" He sat in the chair with a smile on his face the entire time. Since we didn't eat breakfast before we left home, we headed over to McDonald's afterwards. As Jacob ate his eggs, he looked at me and said, " much good......good egg." Annabelle slept through breakfast.
After doing a little shopping, we decided to come home and get to work on Jacob's and Annabelle's rooms. The rooms still aren't quite finished. We need to paint Jacob's dresser and find a few new pictures to hang on the wall. I've decided to get crafty and paint a tree on Annabelle's wall. I hope to get that accomplished this weekend. Wish me luck!
Since we put the crib in Annabelle's room that day, we had no choice but to set up Jacob's big boy bed. Yikes! Actually, the transition went very well!
Jacob loves his bed and much to my surprise, he stays in it! So far (as far as I know), he hasn't gotten out of his bed even once in the middle of the night! Hooray! Even naptime has gone well. If he does get out of bed, he has a legitimate reason (potty or diaper change). He is such a good boy. :) Every morning now when he wakes up, he comes walking down the hall shouting, "I awake! I awake!" He's so proud that he can get in and out of bed all by himself.
Annabelle has begun to show an interest in her toys. She looks at them as though she is concentrating really hard to figure out what they are and what they do.
If you're wondering what that noise is in the background, Jacob was busy playing with one of his toys too.
Ok...for those of you who can't get enough video, here's one more. If Annabelle is crying, many times, Jacob will try his best to get her to stop. Other times, he doesn't seem to care at all. On this particular day, he decided to play pat-a-cake with her. It worked for a few seconds, then the crying resumed. Oh well. Nice try!
WHAT? No Carpenters on your Playlist?? :)
Kudos for the cornucopia of camerawork!
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