Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wake Up!!!!
To look at her, you would think JoBeth was in the deepest sleep one could possibly achieve, but, as soon as those cats started singing and dancing, JoBeth was up dancing right along with them. It was the funniest thing. To this day, every time I see that part of the movie, I think of little JoBeth "sleep dancing" with those cats.
I thought of this the other day as we were in the car on our way to...can you guess?.....Publix. It was Jacob's naptime, but I had to go to the store or else we would all starve to death. It takes about five minutes to get to Publix. When Jacob is tired, five minutes is all he needs to fall asleep. Actually, 30 seconds is probably more accurate. Anyway....if Jacob falls asleep and has to be woken up to go somewhere, do something, etc... take it from is NOT a good thing. It doesn't matter if he's been asleep for two minutes or two hours. If you wake him up, he is never a happy camper. For this reason, I did not want him to fall asleep in the car on the way to the store. I looked back at him in the rearview mirror and saw him start to nod off. His eyes were closed. I panicked. I quickly turned on the Boomerang Express CD from VBS. As soon as he heard that didgeridoo, he opened his eyes, bobbed his head back and forth, and threw his hands up in the air to dance. I started laughing and Jacob started singing. Whew...that was a close one! He danced and sang all the way to the store.
To Jacob, the Boomerang Express theme song is like JoBeth's singing siamese cats. Good to know. I guess I'll have to keep that CD in the car after all.
Money and Mayo
I don't think I ever posted anything about her nine month check up. She is growing! As of her nine month doctor visit, she weighed 14 pounds, 6 ounces. That was over a month ago (she went to the doctor a couple weeks before her 9 month birthday). Now, she's really bulked up. She's up to 15 pounds! :) She measured 26 inches which put her in the 10 - 25th percentile for height. In case you're wondering, she was in the <5th>
Her new favorite pastime is standing. If she can grab something to pull herself up, she will. And she's so proud of herself. Sometimes while I'm sitting on the couch, she'll crawl over, grab the edge of the couch cushion and stand up, sporting the biggest smile you've ever seen.
Look at those lashes!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Calling All Movers!!!
Sooooo....since Jacob loves the Imagination Movers, of course, we had to have a Mover themed birthday party. It was so much fun! All the kids seemed to have a great time and I hope all the adults enjoyed it too!
Here are a few pictures from the party. A big thanks to Michelle for being the (unofficial) party photographer!

Hooway!! It's my birfday!

Fun in the tunnels!

It may not have been her birthday, but Annabelle clearly wasn't hurting for attention!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
More From Beach Week
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Fun In The Sun
Sun, sand, surf...and the cutest little strawberry you've ever seen.
Ha ha ha! The water's getting my feet!
I remember taking Jacob to the beach when he was a baby. I remember taking him out into the water wanting him to at least get his feet wet; but, anytime we held him out over the water, he would raise his feet and legs to a sitting position. For some reason, he didn't want his feet in the water. I saw a baby boy doing the same thing at the beach this week. Funny.
Annabelle does the exact opposite. She loves to kick and splash in the water. She did raise her feet like Jacob, but that was only to kick, not to keep them out of the water.
They may have reacted differently to the ocean, but in another way, they are definitely the same. When Jacob was Annabelle's age, he made a three course meal out of sand. Annabelle took it to the extreme with a delightfully gritty four course meal. She ate SO much sand. I tried to stop her from eating it, but she is one determined nine month old girl. Noone was coming between her and her sand.
Here's the little sand eater in action:
Ok...I have a lot more pictures and videos to post...but I'll have to keep you in suspense. I have lots of party preparations to tend to at the moment! I'll get them up as soon as I can!