Sooooo....since Jacob loves the Imagination Movers, of course, we had to have a Mover themed birthday party. It was so much fun! All the kids seemed to have a great time and I hope all the adults enjoyed it too!
Here are a few pictures from the party. A big thanks to Michelle for being the (unofficial) party photographer!

Hooway!! It's my birfday!

Everyone loves balloons!

Fun in the tunnels!
Let's pray....

Earlier in the week, Jacob asked if we could have a picnic in the backyard at his birthday party. I told him we could. Why not? Well, I changed my mind about the outside picnic the second I opened the door -- hot, humid, disgusting. I decided to move the picnic indoors where the humidity was low and the temperature was cooler. The kids didn't seem to mind. It was still a picnic to Jacob!
Drumroll please........And now......presenting........THE CAKE!!!

Two recipes of Hershey's "Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Cake + approximately six pounds of confectioners sugar + one large bottle of red food coloring and several smaller ones + one small bottle of blue food coloring + one small bottle of yellow food coloring + several dowel rods + a few twizzlers = a drum cake for a three year old. (And no...that is not a typo. We really did use about six pounds of sugar.)
I decided to make Jacob's first birthday cake because I thought it woud be more meaningful. I made the second, and now...I've made the third. I think, each year, the cake gets a little more difficult and I end up staying up a little later to get it finished. I didn't get to bed this year until around 3:30 AM. I should add that I would never attempt any of these without the help of my wonderful friend Erika. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! I can tell you, this cake would have been a complete disaster without her help.

Time for presents!!

We planned on Jacob opening his drum set last, after he had opened all his other gifts. The drums were against the wall, unwrapped, but still in the box. Everyone was crowded around watching Jacob open his presents. We all figured he wouldn't notice the drums because so many people were standing in front of them. We were wrong. As he was about to open one of his gifts, he spotted the drums and took off.


It may not have been her birthday, but Annabelle clearly wasn't hurting for attention!

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