Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Think He Has a Promising Future as a Comedian

From the time Jacob began eating solid foods, he became a bottomless pit, eating anything and everything (except macaroni and cheese -- never would and still won't eat that). He has never been picky. If you put it in front of him, he will eat it. He may not like it, but he eats it. Unfortunately, his eating habits are starting to change and I became very aware of this change while having lunch with him this afternoon.

The lunch menu for today was grilled vegetable pizza. Yum. A few months ago, Jacob would have devoured this within a few short minutes. Not today.
JACOB: Oooooooh. Pizza!
ME: Yes. Pizza!
Jacob grabbed a piece and hurriedly took a big bite.
JACOB: Ewwww. I don't yike it. Is dis yike a joke?

All I could do was laugh. Where does he learn this stuff? After I regained my composure, I tried my best to get him to eat the delicious pizza. No such luck. He refused to eat it. He said, "If I eat all my pizza, can I have a monkey pop?" I said, "Yes, you may have a monkey pop if you eat your lunch first." Even the monkey pop bribe didn't work....and that was his idea!! Oh well. I guess it's time to start trying recipes from the Deceptively Delicious cookbook!

So you might be wondering, "What in the world is a monkey pop?" This is another funny story. At the beginning of summer, on a Publix run, I discovered frozen chocolate covered bananas in the ice cream section of the store. They have become a favorite snack around our house -- especially the dark chocolate ones. After all, dark chocolate is good for you, right? Anyway, I haven't bought any in a while, but decided I would buy a box yesterday since they were on sale.

Here is our conversation as we strolled down the frozen food aisle:

ME: Guess what we're going to get, Jacob......
JACOB: Ice cream????
ME: Nooooo
JACOB: Some cheese?????
ME: Nooooo....better than cheese.
Then, I pointed out the chocolate covered bananas.
JACOB: (with A LOT of excitement) MONKEY POPS!!!

I started laughing so hard, I almost fell over in the store. Monkey pops????? I have never, even once, called them monkey pops, nor have I heard Jacob call them monkey pops. He came up with that all on his own. So funny. He's a regular comedian :)

Here are a few pictures taken over the past couple weeks:

A couch, a football game, and two tired Duncans.

My crazy kids....


It took a couple hours, but Jacob DID finally eat the pizza (hence the pizza face) and subsequently, enjoyed a much coveted monkey pop.

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