Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Baby In The House

Mornings are a little different at our house now, as we have welcomed in a new baby. Some friends of ours had their first baby back in July and I have started watching him for a few hours in the morning while his mom is at work. This is day four of having three children under my care. So far, so good! Jacob has taken a special interest in caring for baby Jack and is especially interested in introducing him to "his music." He asked me the other day, "Does baby Jack want to listen to Baby Einstein music?" I said, "I bet he would like that." Jacob replied, "Mmmm...I bet. Can he listen to my music, too?" By, "his" music, he means anything from his cd collection which consists of Imagination Movers, Veggie Tales and a couple Disney collections. Jacob loves his music. Besides listening to his music, he also enjoying singing.

Annabelle can't keep her hands off Jack's toys. She thinks they are all for her. I mean, she is still a baby too, right? Why shouldn't the baby toys be for her? One of the first days Jack was here, Annabelle grabbed his pacifier and immediately put it in her mouth. I think that may have been the first time she ever had a pacifier, but she knew exactly what to do with it. I, then, tried to sanitize it in a microwavable steamer bag, and ended up melting it...just a little. Oops. I guess with three children in the house, if a pacifier is our only casualty, that's not so bad. :)

Another funny pacifier story: The word "pacifier" doesn't get used much at our house since both Jacob and Annabelle began sucking their thumbs soon after they were born. When Jack spit out his pacifier the other day, Jacob tried to give it back to him, saying, "Here you go baby Jack. Here is your ampwifier." Amplifer. Ha! Now that is funny!

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