Thursday, January 7, 2010


And the word of the week is.....bump. Our little munchkin is getting pretty fast on her feet. Now, if she could just get the hang of that balance thing. She has bumped her head so many times this week, I have lost count. Let's see..... She fell backwards on the tile floor in the bathroom. Bump. She fell backwards on the tile floor in the kitchen. Bump. She fell and hit her face on her toy piano. Bump...and bruise. She fell face forward into the corner edge of her crib. Bump...and another bruise. She fell into the corner edge of the wall. Bump. She fell backwards into the wooden foot on the couch. Bump. She fell forward into the side of the play yard gate. Bump. She fell into the dresser. Bump. How many bumps can a tiny, little 14 month old girl take? About a million, apparently, because I guarantee you, they will continue tomorrow. Poor thing. Between her bumping her head on her own and her big brother climbing all over her or knocking her down when she's grabbed one of his toys, I'm convinced Annabelle will grow up to be one tough cookie.
With all those bumps and bruises, only one thing could make her feel better -- a nice pair of designer jeans. She is quite the little fashionista, you know. Ha ha. I have to say, I'm a tad bit jealous. Even I don't have any designer jeans. But, thanks to her Aunt JoBeth, who apparently believes all baby girls (or at least her niece, anyway) should have a pair, Annabelle is rockin' those True Religions. They're still a little big, but thanks to an adjustable waistband, she'll be able to wear them for quite a while. She actually got these for her birthday, but never wore them until this week.

So, while Annabelle was wearing her new jeans and working on her supermodel runway walk (must...not...fall....and head....), Jacob was busy being a rockstar for Jesus.

The other day, he was playing his piano and listening to all the demo songs. When Old MacDonald began to play, he looked up at me and said, "We don't sing songs like this. We only sing Lord Jesus songs." Not sure what he meant by this, I asked, "What? You can't sing Old MacDonald?" Jacob replied,"No. Just Lord Jesus songs." I'm still clueless about what Jacob deems as a "Lord Jesus" song. Jesus Loves Me, perhaps? That is one of his favorites. Anyway, he told me Lord Jesus had a band. "Someone plays the piano. Someone plays the drums. And someone plays the guitar," he said. And he must have added a tambourine and jingle bells because he wanted me to play those instruments during band practice. Yes, I am in the band. :) All I know is, that kid cracks me up. I think part of his sunday school lesson last Sunday was about musical instruments and playing music for Jesus, so maybe he picked up something there.
Jacob wants Annabelle in the band too. Looks like she'll be the lead singer (or at least a backup)...if she can stop licking the microphone.

Being a supermodel and a rockstar sure does make a person hungry. Just ask these two. Snack time is definitely one of the highlights of their day.

Yum! Thanks Mom!

Wait a minute. What's he eating?

This is totally NOT fair. You get fruit snacks and I get a crummy organic rice cracker???

Let's negotiate.

Jacob's answer?

He was obviously not willing to negotiate. It was nice of him to be so polite, though, don't you think? :)

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