Can you believe it? Snow. In Bluffton.
We were graced with a dusting of the fluffy white stuff, measuring in at around one inch. I realize one inch of snow may not sound like a lot, but the quantity didn't matter. The snow began to fall and everyone in the neighborhood was outside having a glorious time. Around here, we only see snow on TV and in movies, so actually getting to feel it, taste it, and play in it was definitely an unforgettable experience.
We were graced with a dusting of the fluffy white stuff, measuring in at around one inch. I realize one inch of snow may not sound like a lot, but the quantity didn't matter. The snow began to fall and everyone in the neighborhood was outside having a glorious time. Around here, we only see snow on TV and in movies, so actually getting to feel it, taste it, and play in it was definitely an unforgettable experience.
Jacob and Annabelle were sick (still are) with nasty colds, complete with a horrible cough and fever. But, I just couldn't let their colds ruin their opportunity to see snow; so, I bundled them up and took them outside for a few minutes. (First, it was the pants on the ground song. Now, I'm taking my sick children out to play in the snow. I'm thinking my chances for receiving the Parent of the Year award aren't looking so good anymore.) Jacob had a ball. Annabelle was pitiful, begging to go back inside and get into her crib. After all, it was close to 10:00 PM. Thankfully, I was able to get a couple pictures before her big meltdown, so I'm happy about that.
Annabelle was beside herself with excitement. Just look at that face.

So, THIS is snow, huh?
Of course, since he went to bed so late the night before, Jacob slept in Saturday morning. I went against my better judgement and woke up the peacefully sleeping little boy around 7:30 in the morning to allow him some time to play in the snow before the sun melted it away. When he looked out his bedroom window and saw the yard covered with a thin blanket of white, he hurried out of bed and couldn't wait to go out to play.
He and Heath immediately started a snowball fight.
And here is our little snowman.....
...and his little snow family.
It was most definitely a fun weekend...and to top it off, Heath's brithday was Saturday. He got to celebrate in the snow. It doesn't get any better than that!
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