Tuesday, April 6, 2010


If you ask Jacob why we celebrate Easter, he'll quickly tell you, "because Jesus died on the cross!" That's right. And what happened on Easter? "He came back alive!" Although he may not fully understand the meaning of it all, Jacob knows what Easter is. I must admit, I am happy about that. To Annabelle, Easter is a time when you get to play with a lot of little plastic eggs. Oh happy day.

Last year, when we tried to teach him to say, "He is risen, indeed" in response to "He is risen," Jacob proudly shouted, "He is risen...in Steve!" This year, his pronunciation has gotten much better. No more Steve. :)

Easter Sunday was a little hectic, as usual, but we made it to church just in time. Why is it that Sunday morning is ALWAYS the craziest morning of the week?? Heath had already been there for over three hours by the time the rest of us arrived. He got up at 4:30 AM so he could be at the sunrise service. I'd really like to go to that service someday...maybe when Jacob and Annabelle are a little older.

When we returned home, it was almost 3:00 PM. Jacob and Annabelle had passed out in the car after lunch. We put them in bed to finish their naps and they slept until a little after 5:00 PM. They were worn out. After all, Easter is a big day.

When naptime was over, Jacob and Annabelle awoke to find that the Easter Bunny had paid them a visit and filled their baskets with all kinds of fun things. How exciting!

It was good that we had the Easter baskets as a distraction. My parents came down to spend Easter weekend with us and left soon after we got home Sunday afternoon. Jacob and Annabelle were both sound asleep when they left, so there were no formal goodbyes. When Jacob woke up, Papa and Nana were gone, and he started to boo-hoo. It was nice to have them here for Easter. I think the last time we spent Easter with family was when we visited my sister in DC two years ago. Holidays just seem more special with family around.
After going through their baskets, we dyed eggs. Jacob asked if dying eggs was a "project." Then he asked if it was a "training exercise." I'm sure he must have gotten that from a Playhouse Disney show. Annabelle enjoyed the "training exercise," although, I think she was just a bit upset that we wouldn't let her drink the cups of egg dye. We managed to dye nine eggs with hardly any mess. Wow. That is quite an accomplishment if I do say so myself. Sorry, I don't have any pictures of this activity. I was too busy trying to keep someone from drinking the dye and another someone from dying his fingers. I do have a picture of the finished products:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When he was little, I took Benjamin in his p.j.'s from his bed to go. I carried clothes for him and me. I also carried baby oatmeal cereal for several years... We'd change after breakfast and go to the early service in those days... Then we usually left as it had been a long enough day...