The night before I left on my trip, we experienced total chaos. Wednesday nights are always a little rough because we get home so late from church. The kids' schedules get thrown out the window, so that alone creates chaos in itself. On that particular night, I wasn't going to give them a bath before bed because it was so late. But, they had been to the playground and both of them were filthy. To the bathtub they went...kicking and screaming.
Heath took Annabelle after her bath while I finished Jacob. Amidst all the crying, I suddenly heard Heath exclaim, "OH NO!!" He had Annabelle in one arm, while his other was in the toilet. Somehow or another, Annabelle's baby brush got flushed. Jacob continued crying. Annabelle cried harder because she bumped her head on the doorframe. I sat in silence trying to figure out what happened. Heath still had his arm down the toilet, fishing for the flushed brush. I tried not to laugh...unsuccessfully.
That night, the toilet seemed fine, even though we could not retrieve the brush; however, after I left the next day, things didn't go so well.

I'm not exactly sure what was done, but by the time I got home, the toilet was back inside...and unclogged. Hmmmmm....I wonder what the neighbors were thinking. :)
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