Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Let the Summer Begin
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Day at the Harbor
Earlier that day, we went to The Corner Bakery for breakfast. Oh, how I love that place -- especially the swiss oatmeal. Yum. We took our breakfast outside and let Jacob and Annabelle burn some energy by running around and playing by the fountain for a while.
I tried to get a picture of them sitting beside each other, but the second Annabelle sat down, she was up again. :)
Annabelle climbed up and down these steps over and over and over again. She had scratches all over her legs as proof.
Tribal Warrior Princess
Upon seeing my little blue daughter, I quickly ran to Jacob's room (a.k.a. Big Brother's Tattoo Parlor). Jacob was sitting on the floor, blue sharpie in hand, eyes tightly closed because he knew he had done something wrong. I scanned him and the rest of his room to see if anything else had "mysteriously" been colored blue. Nope. Just his sister. While Jacob spent a few minutes in the time out corner, I spent a few minutes on the internet, searching for ways to remove sharpie marker from skin.
Although I freaked out a little, Annabelle was perfectly happy with her new tribal warrior tattoos. I walked her over to a mirror so she could see exactly what her brother had done to her and she giggled with delight. She loved it. Since I wasn't quite as thrilled with her body art, I proceeded to get the ink off. After reading a number of "remedies" from using mineral oil to fingernail polish remover, I decided to try Wet Ones (antibacterial wipes). It worked. A few wipes later, the blue was gone and I had a nice, clean, germ-free baby.
Jacob said he didn't know why he did it. He just wanted to color. I was upset that he colored on his sister...with a sharpie marker....but I have to admit, the marks on her face were interesting. They looked like Chinese characters. What can I say? He's an artist...on any canvas.
Oh, one more funny thing.....See the picture of Annabelle sitting in the corner? She was sitting across from her brother, who was in time out. Of course, she couldn't let him sit there by himself -- especially after he had done such a great job on her tribal warrior princess tattoos.
Playtime Fun and Conversations
Bless her little heart, Annabelle seems destined to forever have a bruised forehead. She has had a bruise right in the middle of her forehead for almost a month. When one bruise finally vanishes, along comes another. How does she get these bruises? Well, she ran into the corner of the wall and created the first one. The second came as a result of a little shove down the slide at church (compliments of her big brother.) Then after that, she climbed up onto the toilet and fell off, bumping her head on the corner of the stainless steel trash can. Ouch!
Jacob is one smart cookie and doesn't let us forget it. The other night after dinner, we each had a Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll for dessert. Side note: I sent Heath to the store for milk and a can of kidney beans. He came back with Little Debbies. :) Anyway, after we had finished our dessert, Heath grabbed a box of Hot Tamales candy and began eating them. Here is the conversation that followed: