While we visited my sister in the DC area, we took a trip over to National Harbor for a day. We took the water taxi, which made it extra fun. This was Jacob's and Annabelle's first time on a boat. Annabelle loved it. She seemed to love the wind in her face, the water, the view -- everything. She enjoyed being outside, watching the water. Jacob liked it, but wasn't nearly as thrilled as his sister. He was happier climbing around on the seats inside the cabin. When we took him outside for a better view, he begged to go back inside. They truly are two very different children.

Earlier that day, we went to The Corner Bakery for breakfast. Oh, how I love that place -- especially the swiss oatmeal. Yum. We took our breakfast outside and let Jacob and Annabelle burn some energy by running around and playing by the fountain for a while.
Jacob, enjoying the rest of MY swiss oatmeal.
I tried to get a picture of them sitting beside each other, but the second Annabelle sat down, she was up again. :)

Annabelle climbed up and down these steps over and over and over again. She had scratches all over her legs as proof.

At National Harbor, there is a huge sculpture called "The Awakening" of a giant man embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself. Kids were climbing all over it and everyone was having a picture taken standing in front of it. To Annabelle, it was a giant sandbox. She played hard and, of course, managed to fill her pants with sand.

Jacob stood near the edge of the water and threw rocks.

I have no idea why, but the majority of our time here was spent playing around this enormous foot. Eeewwww.

A Peeps Store -- I never even imagined there was such a thing. They sell dark chocolate covered Peeps. Sooooo good. They also sell these little chocolate candies called Peepsters. They look like Rolos, but instead of caramel, Peepsters are filled with marshmallow. Yum. Yeah, I bought a bag...and ate the whole thing (over several days).
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