Thursday, August 26, 2010
Need a Laugh?
Time for School
Annabelle hasn't been quite as cooperative as I would like her to be, but I didn't have high expectations. :) While I'm working with Jacob, she works dilligently to divert my attention away from him and onto her. Her scheming works. As she well knows, I can't just let her climb up onto the kitchen table and dance as she pleases. I try to involve her as much as possible. She has a pencil box with crayons just like Jacob. She has coloring books to color in while Jacob works in his workbooks. She does not have her own gluestick, however, and this does not make her happy. She stole Jacob's the other day and smeared glue all over her face before I realized she had even taken it. She loves to watch the Hooked on Phonics videos, which they've been viewing during snacktime. She loves the songs and she repeats the letters and sounds along with Jacob. All in all, she's been fairly well-behaved (for her).
Friday, August 20, 2010
Summertime, and the livin' is easy
Believe it or not, we've only been to the beach one time this summer. I am almost ashamed to admit that. It's just so hard to watch the kids at the beach by myself and our weekends have been too busy for Heath and I to go. Erika came along on this particular trip. So....we may have only been to the beach one time so far this summer, but that one time was fun!!
Thanks, Mom!!
Jacob was more interested in the icing than the cake. Once he had licked off all the sugary goodness, he was done. Annabelle, of course, was ready to devour any leftovers, but much to her dismay, I removed the cake before she could dig her little fingers into it. No, I did not eat it. One cupcake was enough for me, too.
Friday, August 13, 2010
All About Me
Sometimes, I feed Nin (Minnie Mouse) grapes. Nin likes grapes. Nin gets lost around the house a lot and I have to look for her. I walk around yelling, "NIN!" or "NI-NOW!" That's how I say her name. Nin makes me smile.
Mommy says she can't take me and Dats (Jacob) to the grocery store anymore. I don't know why. I really like the grocery store. I like to yell as loudly as I possibly can while I'm in there. It makes other shoppers look at me. It's fun to open all the cereal and snack boxes, too. I like to stand up and climb around in the buggy. I've only flipped out of the seat into the back of the cart two times. That was a little scary, but I'm over it now. Dats (Jacob) likes to run around the store and throw things into the buggy, like green beans and tomatoes. He really enjoys the produce section. I think it's funny when people I don't know come over to help Mommy run after Jacob or try to make me sit down. But, for some reason, I don't think Mommy finds it quite as funny as I do. The last time we went to the store, the same lady kept passing us on every aisle. Each time we saw her, she looked at Mommy and said, "God bless you." I wonder what she meant by that?
Yes, I am a very "spirited" 21 month old girl. When I'm not getting into trouble, I am eating. When I went to preschool this summer, I stole my friends' food. What can I say? I love applesauce and I just can't help myself. Sometimes, I pretended to be a mommy and fed my friends their applesauce. But, then I usually lost all willpower and stole a few bites for myself. Besides applesauce, I like to eat spaghetti (or anything with tomato sauce, for that matter), every type of fruit, yogurt, cheese, cheerios, broccoli, carrots, garlic rice-a-roni, eggplant and brussel sprouts (among MANY other things). No, I am not kidding. I love brussel sprouts. Mommy made them last night for dinner and I ate them all...every last bit...and then had seconds. Mommy was very surprised. At mealtimes, I climb up into my chow (high chair) all by myself...because I am a big girl and can do lots of things on my own now. The only thing is, Mommy wants me to sit down while I eat. I don't want to sit down. I'd much rather stand. Sometimes, I stand up and put my feet in my food, especially when we eat pizza. Mommy is not amused. I always get in trouble for that.
Eventually, I do get tired. Being a wild child can be exhausting, you know. As much as I enjoy acting crazy, I like to sleep...a lot. I still sleep late in the morning. If Mommy doesn't have to be anywhere, she lets me sleep in. The latest I have ever slept is 11:30 AM. Now, THAT was a good morning!
Oh, one more thing. Did you see the pictures and video of me wearing the blue and white checked outfit? Guess what size it is. You may remember seeing baby pictures of me in the same outfit. It's a size 6 months. I may think I'm a big girl, but I guess I am still "little." :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Is That a Sandwich or a Birthday Cake?
Jacob, as well as the kids in his class, were most definitely amused. And, let's be honest. So was I. :) What a fun cake!!
Proud moment: One of the kids looked at the cake and said, very excitedly, "Wow! Where did you get that?!?!" Jacob replied, "It's my birthday cake!" His classmate said, "I know...but what store did you get it from?" Jacob yelled, "It didn't come from a store. My Mommy MADE it!" :)
Puzzles, Pancakes, & the Playground -- Now THAT'S a Party!
Four years later, things have changed. Instead of watching him sleep, now we just pray that he will sleep past 6:00 AM, as well as take a nice long afternoon nap. And those cute little baby sounds that used to make us melt? They've turned into a running faucet of questions and conversation. While Jacob still has the ability to make us melt (like today when he told me I was "so pretty"), more often than not, his random comments and questions now make us laugh...REALLY hard. Trying to get him to eat is still a challenge. If it isn't a snack or breakfast food, he isn't interested. When he was a newborn, we had to go to extreme measures to make him eat (i.e. letting him drink milk from a tiny little medicine cup). Now our "extreme measures" consist of singing the "Party in My Tummy" song and not letting him eat the next meal until all of the last meal is gone. For example, he wouldn't eat dinner the other night, so he was forced to forego his regular breakfast food and eat meatballs, lima beans and rice from the night before. He didn't like it, but eventually ate it, knowing if he didn't, he would find the same meal in his lunchbox.

Jacob decided he wanted a puzzle cake this year. I did a little internet research (and of course, called Erika to make sure this was doable) before I said, "okay." Erika and I worked tirelessly through the night and this is what we came up with. I was pleased. Erika was pleased. Jacob was pleased. As I rediscover every year, baking and decorating cakes is a lot of fun...and a lot of work. Thank you, Erika, for ALL your help!!!!!
It was a very fun morning and Jacob had a blast. God even turned down his thermostat for us and kept the temperature below 90 degrees while we were at the playground. What more could we ask for?! Family...check. Friends...check. Good food...check... Fun party...check. Nice weather...check. Everything was perfect! Happy fourth birthday, Jacob! I love you so much!! Let's take this next year a little slower, ok? :)