Hi-eeeeeeee! My name is Annabelle. If you ask me what my name is, I'll tell you. It's "Ah-dehw." I am a big girl now -- almost 22 months old. My mommy says I'm starting to get a little "attitude," whatever that means. I prefer to call myself a wild child. I love to run and climb and get dirty. Today, I fell in the mud at the playground. I was covered in mud. Mommy freaked out a little, but I had a glorious time. I love mud. I also love to dance and jump...on the kitchen table. I think it's funny to climb up there because I know as soon as mommy sees, she races to get me down. Mommy is so silly. What...does she think I'm going to fall or something? Oh puh-leeease!

Sometimes, I feed Nin (Minnie Mouse) grapes. Nin likes grapes. Nin gets lost around the house a lot and I have to look for her. I walk around yelling, "NIN!" or "NI-NOW!" That's how I say her name. Nin makes me smile.
Mommy says she can't take me and Dats (Jacob) to the grocery store anymore. I don't know why. I really like the grocery store. I like to yell as loudly as I possibly can while I'm in there. It makes other shoppers look at me. It's fun to open all the cereal and snack boxes, too. I like to stand up and climb around in the buggy. I've only flipped out of the seat into the back of the cart two times. That was a little scary, but I'm over it now. Dats (Jacob) likes to run around the store and throw things into the buggy, like green beans and tomatoes. He really enjoys the produce section. I think it's funny when people I don't know come over to help Mommy run after Jacob or try to make me sit down. But, for some reason, I don't think Mommy finds it quite as funny as I do. The last time we went to the store, the same lady kept passing us on every aisle. Each time we saw her, she looked at Mommy and said, "God bless you." I wonder what she meant by that?

Yes, I am a very "spirited" 21 month old girl. When I'm not getting into trouble, I am eating. When I went to preschool this summer, I stole my friends' food. What can I say? I love applesauce and I just can't help myself. Sometimes, I pretended to be a mommy and fed my friends their applesauce. But, then I usually lost all willpower and stole a few bites for myself. Besides applesauce, I like to eat spaghetti (or anything with tomato sauce, for that matter), every type of fruit, yogurt, cheese, cheerios, broccoli, carrots, garlic rice-a-roni, eggplant and brussel sprouts (among MANY other things). No, I am not kidding. I love brussel sprouts. Mommy made them last night for dinner and I ate them all...every last bit...and then had seconds. Mommy was very surprised. At mealtimes, I climb up into my chow (high chair) all by myself...because I am a big girl and can do lots of things on my own now. The only thing is, Mommy wants me to sit down while I eat. I don't want to sit down. I'd much rather stand. Sometimes, I stand up and put my feet in my food, especially when we eat pizza. Mommy is not amused. I always get in trouble for that.

I can say lots of words now -- sentences, even! Phrases like, "Mo peessss (More please)!" and "Mo dat (cake)!" and "ssiiii pay" (I want to play outside). I call any sort of drink, juice...except, just today, I started referring to my milk as "wok." I like to give my stuffed animals a drink when they are thirsty.
Sometimes, I feed Nin (Minnie Mouse) grapes. Nin likes grapes. Nin gets lost around the house a lot and I have to look for her. I walk around yelling, "NIN!" or "NI-NOW!" That's how I say her name. Nin makes me smile.
Mommy says she can't take me and Dats (Jacob) to the grocery store anymore. I don't know why. I really like the grocery store. I like to yell as loudly as I possibly can while I'm in there. It makes other shoppers look at me. It's fun to open all the cereal and snack boxes, too. I like to stand up and climb around in the buggy. I've only flipped out of the seat into the back of the cart two times. That was a little scary, but I'm over it now. Dats (Jacob) likes to run around the store and throw things into the buggy, like green beans and tomatoes. He really enjoys the produce section. I think it's funny when people I don't know come over to help Mommy run after Jacob or try to make me sit down. But, for some reason, I don't think Mommy finds it quite as funny as I do. The last time we went to the store, the same lady kept passing us on every aisle. Each time we saw her, she looked at Mommy and said, "God bless you." I wonder what she meant by that?
Yes, I am a very "spirited" 21 month old girl. When I'm not getting into trouble, I am eating. When I went to preschool this summer, I stole my friends' food. What can I say? I love applesauce and I just can't help myself. Sometimes, I pretended to be a mommy and fed my friends their applesauce. But, then I usually lost all willpower and stole a few bites for myself. Besides applesauce, I like to eat spaghetti (or anything with tomato sauce, for that matter), every type of fruit, yogurt, cheese, cheerios, broccoli, carrots, garlic rice-a-roni, eggplant and brussel sprouts (among MANY other things). No, I am not kidding. I love brussel sprouts. Mommy made them last night for dinner and I ate them all...every last bit...and then had seconds. Mommy was very surprised. At mealtimes, I climb up into my chow (high chair) all by myself...because I am a big girl and can do lots of things on my own now. The only thing is, Mommy wants me to sit down while I eat. I don't want to sit down. I'd much rather stand. Sometimes, I stand up and put my feet in my food, especially when we eat pizza. Mommy is not amused. I always get in trouble for that.
Eventually, I do get tired. Being a wild child can be exhausting, you know. As much as I enjoy acting crazy, I like to sleep...a lot. I still sleep late in the morning. If Mommy doesn't have to be anywhere, she lets me sleep in. The latest I have ever slept is 11:30 AM. Now, THAT was a good morning!
Oh, one more thing. Did you see the pictures and video of me wearing the blue and white checked outfit? Guess what size it is. You may remember seeing baby pictures of me in the same outfit. It's a size 6 months. I may think I'm a big girl, but I guess I am still "little." :)
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