Parenthood has its ups and downs. Everyone knows that. Like when you're in a shoe store and your children are running wildly down the aisles, pulling off boxes of shoes while screaming at the top of their lungs. Yes, I've been there. That would be one of the "downs." Or when you're up in the middle of the night washing crib sheets and taking care of a baby with a bad stomach bug. Or even worse, cleaning your car after said stomach bug hits between your house and the grocery store. Yep, been there too. Those are definitely "down" moments.
But, thank goodness, the ups far outweigh the downs. And, boy, do I ever love those "ups." Take last Sunday, for example. I've been trying to keep you updated on Jacob's progress in school, so you probably know that he's been memorizing the sixth chapter of Ephesians. Right now, he knows verses 1 - 18 and he'll begin learning verse 19 tomorrow. Word has gotten around about Jacob's memory work and last Saturday, we received a call from our associate pastor asking if Jacob could "help him out with his sermon" by reciting his verses. Jacob seemed excited about the opportunity, so we said, "Yes."
I couldn't be more proud. He recited his verses in both worship services that morning. This video was taken during the second.
The excitement of the morning caught up with him as soon as he walked off stage. Jacob crawled up into Heath's lap and fell fast asleep during the second half of the service. :)
Jacob has worked so hard this year. We typically review his memory work for school at least four days a week and he recites his verses everyday. He likes to stand on the coffee table now when he says his verses. He feels like he is on stage. And, by the way, that is the only time standing on the coffee table is ok at our house. While Annabelle may enjoy dancing on the table or using it to perfect her high jump, we don't encourage that behavior. :) Annabelle, when you begin memorizing scripture, you too can stand on the coffee table with permission.
So, of course, I am proud of Jacob, as are many other people. Besides being proud, this has also given me a big boost as far as homeschooling goes. I am so glad we chose to homeschool this year. To be honest, before Classical Conversations, the thought never even occurred to me that my four year old would be capable of this much memorization. I mean, really...18 verses, soon to be 24?!?!?! C'mon. Adults (myself included) can't even do that!! That's just crazy talk. Well, as it turns out, it's not so crazy after all. Jacob, you never cease to amaze me.
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