Thursday, March 24, 2011

In Their Own Words

Annabelle has a mind of her own. We've known that since day one. But, then again, doesn't everyone?

I love listening to her talk. She says the cutest things. For instance, a necklace is "neckins." Rice Krispies are "wice pippies." Milk is "muwkkkk." Coffee is "poff-ee" and her favorite toy is her "hanna behw" (panda bear). I have a feeling these little "Annabelle-isms" aren't going to last very long. Jacob likes to play teacher and correct her mispronunciations. "Annabelle, say, 'neck - less'" he says to her. Then I chime in with, "No, don't tell her to say necklace! I WANT her to say neckins!!" Can't she just stay two forever??? Her big brother even has her reciting his history sentences, so amid the usual two year old vocabulary, you'll hear her spout off names like, "Mahget Patchuh (Margaret Thatcher) and Donald Bagan (Ronald Reagan). She cracks me up...and she is still as wild as ever. :)

What do you mean you couldn't understand her? She said, "In the 1980s, British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher and the U.S. President, Ronald Reagan, worked together to end the cold war, lessen big government and strengthen the conservative movement."
Annabelle loves to sing the song, Allelu, Allelu, although her version is a bit different than the original. Instead of "Praise ye the Lord" she sings "Tase ye a Yord." God, you know what she really means, right? :)
A couple weekends ago, we drove through the National Cemetery in Beaufort. As we entered the gate, it occurred to me that I didn't really want to discuss cemeteries with my children. Thank goodness, Jacob was occupied with a toy or book or something (I can't remember what he was looking at) and never even lifted his head to see where we were. Annabelle, on the other hand, looked out her window at the rows and rows of headstones and exclaimed, "Yook at dem dom-noes (Look at them dominoes)!!! I looked over at Heath and all we could do was laugh.

The kids had a blast on the playground that day. Annabelle climbed and climbed and climbed some more. The girl has an endless supply of energy...and no fear...whatsoever.

Jacob has always approached life with a little more caution and less reckless abandon, but he seems to be getting more and more brave everyday. I guess that's what happens when you turn four and a half.

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