He is risen! He is risen indeed!
Easter. Resurrection Sunday. What a glorious time of the year! I am so thankful to have a living God who is just as powerful and mighty and miraculous today as He was thousands of years ago. "Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Psalm 66:1-4
Growing up, I can remember going to at least a few sunrise services. Of course, my dad went to all of them. After all, he was the pastor. I remember standing outside trying my best to listen to what Daddy was saying while also trying to swat away mosquitoes and gnats. By the end of the service, I was covered in bug bites and itching like crazy. BUT, even with the swarming bugs, I loved the sunrise service. There's just something about the early hours of Easter morning. I can't even imagine what it must have been like on that first Easter morning. Wow.

As much as I love a sunrise service, I'm very sorry to say, I hadn't attended one in years...until yesterday. In the almost nine years we've lived here, Heath has attended just about all of our church's Easter sunrise services. For whatever reason, I never went. He has always been involved in the service somehow (i.e. playing in the band, guiding people to the beach with flashlights, passing out programs, etc...). This year, for the first time, I was the one involved. I was the one who woke up at 3:45 AM while he slept for a couple more hours.
I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to waking up so early, but I was excited about the service. It was wonderful. The weather was perfect. It was a beautiful morning on the beach. As the sun came up, the dolphins were swimming and jumping in the ocean and the birds were flying in formation above. I missed seeing the dolphins, as I was facing the crowd much of the time, but the sunrise alone was amazing. It was a truly worshipful experience.

At the end of the service, a lady walked up to me and said sincerely, "I want you to know, your sweet voice woke me up this morning." She pointed to the hotel in front of us and said, "I was sleeping right up there in that room when I heard you singing and came right out to worship with you." She said she was planning on attending our church later that morning, but hadn't planned to come to the sunrise service. "I am so glad you woke me up," she said. "Your singing was just beautiful and this was just wonderful." Now, I don't know if it was actually my voice that she heard, as I sang as part of a trio. But, I do know God certainly uses us in very unexpected ways sometimes. This singing thing (other than singing with a choir) is fairly new to me. I've been extremely nervous and hesitant about it. I love to sing, but have never been a fantastic singer. After many long talks with God, He is slowly teaching me that He can do anything and if it is His will for us to do something, He will equip us to do whatever that "something" may be. In any case, I am happy this lady joined us on the beach and that the service was so special to her.
While I was singing on the beach, the kids were at home with Daddy discovering what the Easter Bunny had left in their baskets.
..."Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!..."
Luke 24: 5-6
Luke 24: 5-6
Easter. Resurrection Sunday. What a glorious time of the year! I am so thankful to have a living God who is just as powerful and mighty and miraculous today as He was thousands of years ago. "Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Psalm 66:1-4
Growing up, I can remember going to at least a few sunrise services. Of course, my dad went to all of them. After all, he was the pastor. I remember standing outside trying my best to listen to what Daddy was saying while also trying to swat away mosquitoes and gnats. By the end of the service, I was covered in bug bites and itching like crazy. BUT, even with the swarming bugs, I loved the sunrise service. There's just something about the early hours of Easter morning. I can't even imagine what it must have been like on that first Easter morning. Wow.

As much as I love a sunrise service, I'm very sorry to say, I hadn't attended one in years...until yesterday. In the almost nine years we've lived here, Heath has attended just about all of our church's Easter sunrise services. For whatever reason, I never went. He has always been involved in the service somehow (i.e. playing in the band, guiding people to the beach with flashlights, passing out programs, etc...). This year, for the first time, I was the one involved. I was the one who woke up at 3:45 AM while he slept for a couple more hours.
I have to admit, I wasn't looking forward to waking up so early, but I was excited about the service. It was wonderful. The weather was perfect. It was a beautiful morning on the beach. As the sun came up, the dolphins were swimming and jumping in the ocean and the birds were flying in formation above. I missed seeing the dolphins, as I was facing the crowd much of the time, but the sunrise alone was amazing. It was a truly worshipful experience.

At the end of the service, a lady walked up to me and said sincerely, "I want you to know, your sweet voice woke me up this morning." She pointed to the hotel in front of us and said, "I was sleeping right up there in that room when I heard you singing and came right out to worship with you." She said she was planning on attending our church later that morning, but hadn't planned to come to the sunrise service. "I am so glad you woke me up," she said. "Your singing was just beautiful and this was just wonderful." Now, I don't know if it was actually my voice that she heard, as I sang as part of a trio. But, I do know God certainly uses us in very unexpected ways sometimes. This singing thing (other than singing with a choir) is fairly new to me. I've been extremely nervous and hesitant about it. I love to sing, but have never been a fantastic singer. After many long talks with God, He is slowly teaching me that He can do anything and if it is His will for us to do something, He will equip us to do whatever that "something" may be. In any case, I am happy this lady joined us on the beach and that the service was so special to her.
While I was singing on the beach, the kids were at home with Daddy discovering what the Easter Bunny had left in their baskets.
As usual (on Sunday mornings), Annabelle had to be woken up.
Annabelle woke up with "Easter hives." Obviously, she had an allergic reaction to something. She gets hives every few months or so for no apparent reason. So far, we haven't been able to pinpoint the cause. Ugh. Super annoying.

Despite the hives, we all had a great Easter. By the time we got home from church, Jacob and Annabelle were tired, hungry and a bit cranky, but I was able to take a few pictures before the whine-a-thon began.

The kids have enough Easter goodies to last them for a while. Well, that is, if Heath and I can stay out of their baskets. Last night, I saw Heath eating a certain four year old's Little Debbie Easter cake. Later, I ate a little bag of Oreos. Hopefully, we won't get caught. :)
Despite the hives, we all had a great Easter. By the time we got home from church, Jacob and Annabelle were tired, hungry and a bit cranky, but I was able to take a few pictures before the whine-a-thon began.
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