The plan: Leave early. Stop in Columbia. Take the kids somewhere to burn some energy to the point of exhaustion so they would nap during the remainder of the drive. (Naps = happy, more agreeable children) Exactly where that "somewhere" was, we weren't sure. We thought about taking them to a park or a playground. The zoo maybe? We got in the car, started driving, and a while later, made our decision: Edventure Children's Museum.
The kids L-O-V-E-D it.
They played and ran, and ran and climbed, and climbed and played...for hours...nonstop. What a great place!!
Both Jacob and Annabelle were fascinated with the butterfly garden. I was just happy we made it out of the garden without any butterfly casualties. Whew.
How fun is this? A giant game of Operation! You know...the one where you have to get the bones and organs out without touching the sides. If you touch the metal on the sides, an alarm sounds. Check out these two surgeons. How did they do? Well, I can tell you, my ears were ringing for a while after we left. :)
Making music.
Annabelle fell in love with John Deere.

Another highlight (there were a lot) was the grocery store. If only our trips to the real grocery store were this fun.....
Jacob and Annabelle both packed a ton of groceries into their buggies. That was before we saw the giant sign on the wall that read, "8 items per cart." Oops. Looking around at the other shoppers, our kids definitely weren't the only offenders.
Annabelle enjoyed the water play area. Soon after this video, she poured a boat full of water on the little girl who was trying to help her.
A fun time was had by all...and our plan worked. By the time we left the museum, Jacob and Annabelle were toast. They fell asleep almost immediately. Thank goodness. What was supposed to be an hour and a half trip to the concert turned into over three. We ended up sitting in traffic for about two hours due to accidents and broken down vehicles. But it all worked out fine. The kids slept peacefully in the backseat until we reached our destination and we made it to the Movers concert on time. Hooray!!
Annabelle enjoyed the water play area. Soon after this video, she poured a boat full of water on the little girl who was trying to help her.
A fun time was had by all...and our plan worked. By the time we left the museum, Jacob and Annabelle were toast. They fell asleep almost immediately. Thank goodness. What was supposed to be an hour and a half trip to the concert turned into over three. We ended up sitting in traffic for about two hours due to accidents and broken down vehicles. But it all worked out fine. The kids slept peacefully in the backseat until we reached our destination and we made it to the Movers concert on time. Hooray!!
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