Monday, November 21, 2011

A Tiger Tale

Once upon a time there was a little tiger...not just any tiger...a little Clemson tiger.  He was a happy little tiger -- one who enjoyed playing games and eating candy.  He had been talking about going to Trunk or Treat for quite some time.  He could not wait.

The little Clemson Tiger had a friend named Belle.  Belle was a beautiful, crazy princess.  She too, was very happy and she also enjoyed playing games and eating candy.  In fact, she enjoyed eating candy even more than her tiger friend. 

The tiger and the princess wandered from trunk to trunk, playing fun games and filling their bags with candy.  The tiger, being a bit prideful, never hesitated to point out that he had acquired more candy than the princess.  Belle didn't seem to mind.  She had plenty.  She was a sneaky little princess and I do believe she ate twice as much candy that night as the tiger.  The princess has an insatiable sweet tooth.

The tiger stopped at the face painting booth to get some tiger stripes. 

The princess asked for a heart.

They had tons of fun and didn't want the night to end.  But tigers and princesses need their sleep.  After playing all the games, a few more than once, the two friends headed home.  They couldn't wait to go through their candy bags.  You would expect the tiger to tear into his candy like a savage beast.  After all, isn't that what tigers do?  Well, you would be wrong.  He carefully sorted through the candy, choosing one piece to eat before getting ready for bed.  The princess, having already eaten half of hers before she even made it home, acted much more like a savage tiger than a dainty princess.  The tiger rationed his candy out.  The princess shoved it all into her one time. 

The little Clemson tiger and Belle fell fast asleep soon after the sugar rush wore off (and after a thorough teeth cleaning) dreaming, no doubt, of their Trunk or Treat experiences and the candy they would get to eat in the days to come.  Sweet.

A few days later, the tiger and the princess emerged again.  They went to Chick-fil-A in their costumes, with one minor change -- Princess Belle became Princess Rapunzel.  Her choice.  :)

 {This picture makes me smile.  :) }

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