Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Create in Me a Clean Heart

Right now as I type, Jacob and Annabelle are on the floor behind me working on separate puzzles.  Annabelle is having a tough time as she has chosen a 101 piece puzzle of the U.S. presidents.  Jacob had the answer to her problem:  prayer.  "Annabelle, let's pray and ask God to help you finish this puzzle," he said.  Together, they prayed.  After the final amen, Annabelle opened her eyes, looked at Jacob and asked, "Do I have super puzzle power now?"

I don't know if she has super puzzle power, but she does have an awesome big brother.  He's opted to leave his puzzle for a few moments to help out his little sister.

It's been an exciting week for Jacob and it all began Monday morning during our daily Bible time.  I'll let him tell you about it.

He made this decision all on his own.  I didn't push.  I didn't prod.  I didn't even ask him if he wanted to.  He brought it up.  He told me he was ready and said his own prayer.  I was so excited and so proud.  Still am.  January 28, 2013 will forever be a day to celebrate.

Over the past few months, we've had some pretty lengthy discussions about this.  He has asked many, many questions and I have attempted to answer as best I could.  I, also, have asked him many, many questions and received some pretty amazing answers in return.  He is just so smart.  As my parents say, he's like a little Billy Graham.  :)  I attribute much of his knowledge to his wonderful Awana leaders and Sunday School teachers. He loves going to church and obviously soaks up everything he's being taught.

Monday morning, we read this book, as we do every Monday.  This week, we were on letter V.  The verse of the day was John 6:47 -- "Verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life."  After each verse, there is a story which helps explain the meaning.  At the end of this day's story, the little boy prays, asking Jesus to be his Savior.  As I asked Jacob and Annabelle to repeat the verse with me, Jacob said, "I'm ready!"  I said, "You're ready to say the verse?  Ok, let's say it..."  "No, I'm ready to ask Jesus to come into my heart," he said.  "I want him to clean up my heart."  His sincerity showed in his enthusiasm.  He was incredibly excited about this -- all smiles.  He said there were a "billion reasons" why he wanted to do this, including the fact that he would be able to eat the bread and drink the juice next time we had communion at church, but he made sure I knew that wasn't the main reason.  The main reason was that he wanted Jesus to "clean his heart."  After discussing this a few more minutes, any doubts I may have had about his sincerity were erased.  He couldn't wait to pray and he wanted to do it all by himself.  So, he did.  I didn't even have to tell him what to say.  He bowed his head, closed his eyes and prayed the sweetest prayer I've ever heard.

When he opened his eyes, he was thrilled and couldn't keep still.  He immediately wanted to call his daddy to tell him the good news.  And in true Jacob fashion, when he told his grandparents the news, the very next line  out of his mouth was "Now, do you want to know what's going on in Lego City?.........."  

Jacob, I love you and I prayed for this day even before you were born.  I prayed that one day, whenever that day was, you would choose to follow Jesus.  And now you have.  At age six and a half.  And I will continue to pray for you.  Your life will never be the same.  I pray that you will continue to follow God's guidance and live for Jesus everyday no matter what comes your way.  I pray that you will stand firm in your faith and remember all of God's truths that you already have hidden away in your heart.  I pray that your love  for Jesus will continue to grow and deepen and become the most important thing in your life.

.......And, of course, I'll support you in your quest to bring salvation to Lego City.

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