Baby Update -- I went to the doctor yesterday and all seems well. We listened to the heartbeat and everything sounded perfect. The most exciting news is that we don't have to wait until July to find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl! I have an ultrasound scheduled for June 17! Yay! So, if you want to place any bets on what you think this one is, now is the time. Hopefully the baby will be in a cooperative mood on the 17th because I do know of several people who desperately wanted to find out the sex of their baby, but couldn't. We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm still thinking it's a boy because there are a lot of similarities between this pregnancy and my first. I've been sick (still hoping that will go away soon) and my tastebuds are completely wacko (is that a real word?) -- both things that happened with Jacob. BUT...there are little things that are different. This time I've been having major cravings for Mexican food and sweet things like brown sugar and cinnamon pop-tarts and rice pudding. Last time, I didn't have any real cravings, just food aversions. I couldn't tolerate anything sweet -- AT ALL. I've also developed aversions to all my favorite foods, just like last time -- cereal, potatoes, and chocolate -- along with a few others -- tomatoes and tomato sauce, anything with chicken boullion, and garlic. There are more foods, but even the thought of them makes me sick.
While I think it's a boy, Jacob seems to have his own ideas. The other day, while we were on our way to Chik-fil-A, we saw a man getting a tiny baby out of his car and I said, "Katie, did you see the baby?" She said, "Yeah!" I said, "You know, we're gonna have a baby in a few months" to which she replied, "I know." I asked her if she thought it was going to be a boy or a girl and out of the blue, Jacob yelled out, "Guhhh!" which I'm guessing is his version of girl. Katie said she didn't know. If Jacob is right, he'll be right along with most everyone at our church who thinks we're definitely having a girl.
This ultrasound was done back in April, but since I really hadn't posted anything about the new baby yet, I thought I would put a picture on the site.

1 comment:
My vote is for girl...When my friend Febi was pregnant with her daughter, she couldn't get enough brown sugar, she put it on everything!
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