We crossed another milestone yesterday -- Jacob's first haircut! Heath and I had been talking about it for a couple weeks now, wondering when we should take him. Jacob's hair was getting pretty long around his ears and was growing longer in the back too. If his hair had been curly, I would have put off the haircut for a while, but the only time it curled was when he got really hot. Although it was kind of cute at times, I figured with the hot summer months now upon us, we should bite the bullet and take him to see Mr. Jerry.
Mr. Jerry goes to our church and owns a barberhop on the island. Jacob knows him, so I knew that would work out well...and it did. Jacob was perfect. He sat completely motionless in the chair, much like he does at the doctor's office. He just sits back and takes it all in. He had his finger in his mouth almost the entire tme. Some of you may remember how he used to act when he was tiny and you put a pair of sunglasses on him. Well, that's exactly how he acted while he was getting his hair cut. About halfway through, Mr. Jerry let him hold a big red comb and that livened him up a bit.
I was amazed at how different he looked afterwards...even cuter than before (if you can believe that)! I'm so glad we decided to do this! After he was finished, Mr. Jerry gave him a red balloon which Jacob loved, and a First Haircut Certificate signifying his graduation from "babyhood." He's such a big boy now!

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