This is definitely a JoBeth face:
It's been another eventful week for the Duncan family!
I never mentioned anything about this before, but Jacob was actually scheduled to have surgery today. He's had this thing (sort of like a hernia) for about 8 months or so (maybe longer) and a few weeks ago, his doctor referrered us to a pediatric surgeon. I was not happy at all about the prospect of surgery. In fact, I was REALLY nervous and anxious about it. He's only two years old...just a baby. I didn't want him to have to go through anything like that. I had hernia surgery when I was four and it was pretty traumatic. I remember being taken away from my parents and I remember the mask being put over my face as I cried and screamed.
Anyway, we took the surgeon's advice and scheduled surgery for March 6. I kept praying that everything would go well -- that it would not be traumatic for him and that recovery would be quick. I was so caught up with the surgery part, that I'm a little ashamed to admit, I don't think I ever asked God to take away the problem entirely. I told my sister about the scheduled surgery last Wednesday. She told me she would pray for God to heal him so that he wouldn't need surgery. Her prayers were heard and were answered immediately. The next morning, Jacob was healed! We took him to the doctor two days ago and he confirmed that surgery was no longer necessary. Thank you God! When we walked up to the front desk with the doctor, the receptionist said, "I didn't know these things could just go away like that." I replied, "Prayer works!" and the doctor said, "Yes, it does."
Needless to say, I was ecstatic...still am. I knew we were going to get good news from the doctor when we got in the car to leave and one of Jacob's favorite songs came on the radio: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath (it's on the playlist). Jacob loves that song for some reason, especially the "yeah, yeah..." parts. He sang along through the entire song, then fell asleep for the rest of the ride.
So, we avoided surgery, but still ended up back at the doctor's office today. When we came home from visiting the surgeon the other day, Jacob was really cranky. I thought he was just overly tired from not getting a full nap. Later that night, I discovered he had a fever of 100.3. We made it through the night and yesterday morning, his temperature was 101, but it went back down to normal by lunchtime. Well, last night his fever went up again, this time, to 102.1. The doctor said Jacob has some sort of virus (his throat was red too, but it's not strep) and it's possible the fever could stick around for another three to five days. Yuck. God, please take away this! And please help the rest of us to stay healthy.
Annabelle has been very entertaining lately. She's starting to grab toys and put them in her mouth. Jacob likes to help her out with this by sticking toys in her mouth and saying, "Here it!" She's laughing more and more. She laughed harder and louder the other night than I've ever heard her laugh before. Of course, those laughter moments come and go so quickly, it's hard to capture them on camera. Annabelle, could you give me a heads up the next time you feel a laughter outburst coming on?
We'll be back at the doctor's office for her well visit on Monday. I'm starting to feel like I go to the doctor's office almost as frequently as I go to Target. I've gotta say, Target trips are much more fun.

Annabelle's new trick is to throw her feet up in the air and grab them. I'm just waiting for the toes to go in the mouth.

I never mentioned anything about this before, but Jacob was actually scheduled to have surgery today. He's had this thing (sort of like a hernia) for about 8 months or so (maybe longer) and a few weeks ago, his doctor referrered us to a pediatric surgeon. I was not happy at all about the prospect of surgery. In fact, I was REALLY nervous and anxious about it. He's only two years old...just a baby. I didn't want him to have to go through anything like that. I had hernia surgery when I was four and it was pretty traumatic. I remember being taken away from my parents and I remember the mask being put over my face as I cried and screamed.
Anyway, we took the surgeon's advice and scheduled surgery for March 6. I kept praying that everything would go well -- that it would not be traumatic for him and that recovery would be quick. I was so caught up with the surgery part, that I'm a little ashamed to admit, I don't think I ever asked God to take away the problem entirely. I told my sister about the scheduled surgery last Wednesday. She told me she would pray for God to heal him so that he wouldn't need surgery. Her prayers were heard and were answered immediately. The next morning, Jacob was healed! We took him to the doctor two days ago and he confirmed that surgery was no longer necessary. Thank you God! When we walked up to the front desk with the doctor, the receptionist said, "I didn't know these things could just go away like that." I replied, "Prayer works!" and the doctor said, "Yes, it does."
Needless to say, I was ecstatic...still am. I knew we were going to get good news from the doctor when we got in the car to leave and one of Jacob's favorite songs came on the radio: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath (it's on the playlist). Jacob loves that song for some reason, especially the "yeah, yeah..." parts. He sang along through the entire song, then fell asleep for the rest of the ride.
So, we avoided surgery, but still ended up back at the doctor's office today. When we came home from visiting the surgeon the other day, Jacob was really cranky. I thought he was just overly tired from not getting a full nap. Later that night, I discovered he had a fever of 100.3. We made it through the night and yesterday morning, his temperature was 101, but it went back down to normal by lunchtime. Well, last night his fever went up again, this time, to 102.1. The doctor said Jacob has some sort of virus (his throat was red too, but it's not strep) and it's possible the fever could stick around for another three to five days. Yuck. God, please take away this! And please help the rest of us to stay healthy.
We'll be back at the doctor's office for her well visit on Monday. I'm starting to feel like I go to the doctor's office almost as frequently as I go to Target. I've gotta say, Target trips are much more fun.
Annabelle's new trick is to throw her feet up in the air and grab them. I'm just waiting for the toes to go in the mouth.
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