After a week of colds, coughs, fevers and ear infections, I think everyone is finally on the mend. Jacob started sleeping through the night again as soon as he started the pink stuff. Judging by his behavior, his ears seem to be much better. He still has a lingering cough, but the runny nose isn't nearly as bad as it was. Annabelle's worst day was Thursday. She was PITIFUL. Her eyes were red and watery, her nose was running like a faucet and she developed a terrible cough. I thought she was choking a couple times -- very scary. She is slowly getting better. Like Jacob, she still has a cough, but it isn't nearly as bad as it was last week. Heath is starting to feel better too, but due to the pollen showers (more like downpours) allergies are coming on strong. I am praying we'll get a little rain to wash away the yellow blanket that is covering all of the Lowcountry right now. As of today, I still don't have any signs of a cold or a cough (crossing my fingers).
With all the illness we've dealt with lately, it's a good thing we have a doctor in the house to take care of everyone -- Dr. Jacob. Heath bought Jacob a doctor's kit last week and he absolutely loves it. He plays with it everyday. He is mostly busy curing the ailments of his stuffed animals. Usually it's kitty, Curious George, or baby monkey who is sick. Here's the doctor in action:
Even though Jacob was sick last week, we managed to get out of the house and play in the backyard one afternoon. Jacob wanted to play in the sandbox. I think that was the first time we opened the sandbox since last summer. I was afraid bugs and critters may have made their home in the box and I was right...about the critter part. As Jacob was digging sand with a little shovel, I saw a lizard crawl into a bucket. Ok...I know they are just little lizards, but I DO NOT like them (guess I get that from my mom :o) ). I tried not to freak out about it, but I did scream a little when I scooped it out (no, I did not use my hand!) and threw it into the yard. I am sure it will be back in the sandbox eventually. It's probably there now. Ewwww.
Annabelle is a little roly poly. She rolls over as soon as you lay her down. It's like she's saying, "Hey! Look what I can do!" She's also started something new this week. She likes to suck in her bottom lip and make a little noise. You can see and hear her do it towards the end of this video.
It's so cute to watch Annabelle and Jacob together. I can tell they love each other. If Jacob is close by, Annabelle will stretch her neck to follow him around the room. She is probably intrigued by him. I know I am. She still smiles all the time, but it takes a lot to get her to laugh. If you want to see something funny, just stop by our house when Heath and I are trying to get Annabelle to laugh. Adults do really silly things to make babies laugh. I can only imagine what Annabelle is thinking as she watches us make funny faces and ridiculous sounds. My guess is something like, "What is wrong with my parents?????"

Jacob wanted to give Annabelle an eskimo kiss (you know...the kind where you rub noses). Jacob actually calls it an astronaut kiss.

Earlier today I was changing the sheets on Jacob's bed when he walked in and saw his pillow on the floor. "Oh no!" he said. "The pillow needs a banket! Pillow needs a banket wiff cars and tucks on it!" He didn't like the fact that his pillow did not have a pillow case on it yet. I thought that was cute.
I have been hard at work painting a tree on the wall in Annabelle's room. I have to say, I am pleased with how it turned out. Even Heath said he thought it looked good...after confessing that he wasn't sure about my idea. I had originally wanted to get a wall decal, but they are so expensive. So, I put on my artist hat (ha ha) and painted a tree instead. Can you believe Jacob's room still isn't finished? I'm still looking for pictures to hang on the wall. Anyone seen any cute (and inexpensive) transportation themed art? Hey...maybe I should paint something! Or maybe not. A tree is one thing, but cars, trucks and airplanes? I don't think so.

So, now her room is almost done. Hooray! I have a little more touching up to do on the tree and a couple more pictures to hang, but other than that, it's finally finished!!
1 comment:
The tree is very nice--almost as nice as the clouds you drew on my wall when I was younger. So now, you're going to change the tree during each season right? Pretty flowers blooming on it in the spring, flowers in the summer, yellow and orange leaves in the fall, and no leaves in the winter??
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