Remember last year's Santa visit? No? Here, let me refresh your memory. CLICK HERE
Looks like the epitome of happiness, right? Hahaha. She was anything but happy. She screamed and screamed and screamed some more. The photographer was eventually able to stop the tears by flipping a little, toy duck into the air in front of her. Several pictures were taken. This was the best one (also the last one) -- number 11!
Pretty pitiful, huh? Jacob was terrified. Annabelle was too tiny to realize what was happening. She slept through the whole thing.
This year was completely different. This year, as we stood in line waiting to see the jolly old man in the bright red suit, Jacob could hardly wait. He was so excited to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas -- a Handy Manny workbench. This request is proof that my three year old son has fallen prey to slick advertisers. The only TV shows he ever watches are on Playhouse Disney in the morning. Playhouse Disney doesn't have commercials, but they do have "sponsors." Starting several months ago, I noticed a new "sponsor" -- Fisher Price, who was promoting their new Handy Manny workbench. What a coincidence. Christmas is coming up and now, all of a sudden, this toy is being promoted. What are the odds? Now, anytime Jacob sees this workbench, he gets really excited about it. He loves it (or at least he thinks he does).
As we stood in line waiting to talk with Santa, Annabelle was becoming quite irritated. She didn't understand why I wouldn't let her crawl around on the ground. Compound that with the fact that it was pretty late and she hadn't eaten in several hours -- not a good situation. I wasn't sure how she would react when I sat her down in Santa's lap.

When it was finally our turn, Jacob marched right up and climbed up on Santa's knee. Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he immediately said, "A Handy Manny workbench.....and a Wall-E!" So cute -- a complete 180 degree turn from last year. After he and Santa talked a bit more, I took Annabelle up to join her brother.

Annabelle didn't tell Santa what she wants for Christmas; although, Jacob will tell you she wants a keyboard and a baby doll.
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