Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Can you believe it? I actually did a little more Christmas shopping this weekend...and not on the internet! (Actually, I did a little internet shopping too.) We ended up going out Friday afternoon and again on Saturday. Talk about an exhausting weekend!

I had designated Friday as the big Santa visit day and began prepping Jacob for this quite some time ago. We talked about what he would say to him and how he would sit on Santa's lap for a quick picture. Well, all my prepping didn't work quite as well as I had hoped. As we strolled up to Santa, Heath got Jacob out of the stroller and started walking over to him. Jacob had a look of fear on his face. He pointed in the other direction and said, "No! This way! No! This Way!" He did not want to go anywhere near Santa. Being the torturous parents we are, we took him over and sat him on Santa's lap. He cried for about a half a second, then quieted down, but he did not like it one bit. We couldn't get him to smile for anything. Annabelle slept through the whole experience, if you can believe that. :)
Jacob's pants aren't really that short. They just got a little hiked up when we sat him down. So...this picture really sums up the '08 Santa visit -- one kid out cold, the other paralyzed by fear. Maybe next year will be a little better. Jacob may not care for Santa Claus this year, but he does know the real meaning of Christmas -- Jesus' birthday. If you ask him, he'll tell you.

Since we didn't get enough of the crowds and craziness Friday, we set out again the next day. Have you ever noticed that even the most patient people get a little testy around the holidays? I think it's the pressure of finding the perfect gift, combined with the fact that you're about to spend an enormous amount of money on that perfect gift. Anyway.....Friday afternoon, the craziness began before we even made it to the mall. Traffic was TERRIBLE!! While we sat there on the road, Heath, who admittedly is not the most patient person in the world, began to regret the fact that we were out shopping again. "Did we really need to go to Bass Pro Shops?.....I can't believe we're sitting here like this. This is awful.....Why didn't we just stick to online shopping, etc., etc., etc....." I just sat quietly and listened to him talk. After all, it was my idea to go out that day. Right at that moment, something happened that struck me as funny and I could not contain my laughter. As Heath was at the height of his complaining, we hear Johnny Mathis on the radio belting out, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" I couldn't have chosen a better song to capture that moment!

Last Sunday, we went out to Palmetto Bluff for a Christmas photo shoot. As wired as Jacob was that day, I can't believe how well the pictures turned out. You would have thought we gave him a cup of sugar right before we went out there. I can't imagine how he would have acted if we had!! That is a scary thought! Here are a few pictures from the day. If you're bored and want to see more, here is the link: Then, click on Duncan family.

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