Monday, May 24, 2010

Hi, My Name's Jacob and I'll Be Here All Night, Folks!

I don't know what was in Jacob's milk at Sweetwater Tavern that night, but something got him going. He was hilarious. Actually, he had been cracking us up all day. I was convinced he was using us as a test audience for his stand-up act because every word that came out of his mouth was so incredibly funny. I wish we had some type of recording device attached to him that day. That kid is some comedian.
Jacob was sitting beside his beloved Aunt JoBeth when suddenly, he turned to her and said, "Aunt JoBeth, you are the prettiest are a good Aunt JoBeth....I yuv you." Then he proceeded to pat her on the back and rub her arm. This was all after he downed a full glass of milk in approximately 49.8 seconds.

As we were about to leave, Jacob jumped down from his seat and danced his way around the table. He then stopped to dance in the middle of the restaurant -- right beside a table where two older gentlemen were in the middle of their dinner. The more Jacob danced, the more the men clapped. It was, quite possibly, one of the funniest moments I have ever witnessed; mainly because it was so unexpected. I could not stop laughing. Tears were rolling down my face and Heath was just about in the same boat.

Jacob continued to dance his way out of the restaurant all the way to the car. Here is a little taste of what happened that night. If only I'd had the camera out when we were inside the restaurant.......

When we were back in the car, the dancing subsided, but Jacob was still on a roll...and was still feeling the love. Out of nowhere he announced, "I love Daddy and David and Aunt JoBeth and Annabelle and Mommy.....and I love myself."

Whatever was in Jacob's milk must have also been in Annabelle's. I had brought along some little Transformers toys for Jacob to play with at the restaurant. When he was through with them, I handed them over to Annabelle, not knowing if she would play with them or not. Oh, she played with them alright. She loved them. It looked like she was making them fight. I guess she was just copying her brother. Anything he does, she wants to do also. I was just happy she was content and not throwing a fit at the table. :)

Transformers...more than meets the eye...

Later that night, we drove into DC to see the White House. David asked Jacob if he wanted to live in the White House. Jacob replied, "No. I can't yiv in the White House because I'm not a pwesident." Well, maybe one day, Jacob...maybe one day......

And yes, the dancing continued at the White House. Jacob wanted to dance up beside the iron gate, but we convinced him to come down. This one's for you, Mr. President.

1 comment:

Jo!Beth said...

LOVE IT!!! I absolutely love it!! I had so much fun with ya'll!!! :)