These days a family trip to anywhere seems to turn into a circus. Even on their best behavior, Jacob and Annabelle are live wires. The world is their playground. Literally. No matter where they go, they will find something to play with, play on, or play around. Give her any running room at all, and Annabelle takes off like she's in the Olympics.
With these two little energizer bunnies, I've been loving the beautiful weather we've had lately. We've spent a great deal of time playing outside in the sunshine...and burning energy. Lots and lots of energy.
One of the kids' favorite things to do is have a picnic, even if we're only in the backyard. They love picnics. They eat a little, play a lot, eat a little more, play a lot more...until the food is gone and we're all tired and ready for a nap. Good times.
Annabelle likes to climb trees. I am confident, she'll make it to the top one day soon.
Thank you, God, for this beautiful weather. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
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