Mommy took me shopping a couple weeks ago. Just me. Not my brother. I love my brother and all, but he likes to aggravate me...a lot...all the time. He takes toys away from me and yells at me when I put his Legos in my mouth. He makes me share my fruit snacks with him, but he won't share with me. That's ok though. He may be bigger than me, but I know how to fight. I'm pretty good at hitting and if he really makes me mad, I bite him. But, I have to be careful about fighting. If Mommy or Daddy sees or finds out, I get in trouble. I have to go to time out. Or sometimes get a spankin'. Getting a spankin' is yucky. Time out is yucky too. If I don't like something, I tell Mommy, "Dats yucky."
So I was happy to go shopping with Mommy. Mommy was excited about it too. She likes to shop. First we went to Lifeway. I got out of the stroller and pulled all the VeggieTales watches off the rack and played with them on the floor. Then I saw a box full of stuffed animals. I took out almost every animal and arranged them on a bench so they could watch a movie. Mommy tried to get me to sit in my stroller, but...NO WAY. I don't like strollers. Would you want to be strapped in a seat being wheeled around a store when you could be running around pulling things off shelves and playing chase? Yeah, I didn't think so. Mommy didn't look too happy. She kept putting me in the stroller, but nothing can hold me down. I can get out of those silly stroller straps in about five seconds. Flat. She said she didn't want me terrorizing the store, so she held me and pushed the empty stroller. I squirmed and yelled the whole time to make her (and everyone else in the store) aware of my discontentment. Mommy bought a few things, then, we were quickly "outta there."
Next we went to the mall. Mommy wanted me to get in the stroller again. Ugh. Won't she ever learn? I DON'T LIKE STROLLERS!! But, I obliged and made her happy for a little while anyway. While she pushed me in the stroller, I kicked my shoes off...repeatedly. I am a good kicker. You should see how far I can kick off a pair of Crocs. It was so much fun watching those little pink shoes fly across the store. It was even more fun watching Mommy run after them. But...I got in trouble. I guess Mommy didn't think it was funny. She put my shoes in the bottom of the stroller. I had to let her know I was upset, so I took off my stroller straps and lunged forward, my feet dragging along the floor. People kept telling Mommy I was about to fall out of the stroller. She said, "I know" and kept right on pushing.
While Mommy tried on clothes, I crawled around on the fitting room floor peeking under the doors where other ladies were trying on clothes. I was meeting new people and saying "hey" to them. I guess Mommy didn't like me doing that either. She gave me some fruit snacks and told me to sit down and not move.
When I'm sitting in the stroller, I like to touch everything as we stroll by -- the dresses, shirts, jewelry on tables, pretty much anything within my reach. One time, I grabbed the bottom of a dress hanging on a big rack. I wouldn't let go. Mommy pulled the stroller backwards and the whole rack fell over. Mommy yelled, "Oh my goodness!" just in time for a lady to turn around and see the rack about to fall on top of her. She caught it with her arm and it took one more person to get the rack back up. Can you believe I did that? That rack was really heavy. Boy, I was proud of that little incident. Mommy wasn't so proud.
By the time we got back to the car, Mommy was exhausted. She looked rough. I don't know why she was so tired. Maybe it was because she didn't eat any fruit snacks in the fitting room like I did. I was having a great time. I wanted to do more shopping, but Mommy drove straight home instead. Oh well. I was actually ready to play with my brother anyway. Mommy says it might be a long time before she takes me shopping again. I guess that's ok. At least I won't have to get in my stroller!
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