I saw God tonight. Just a glimpse. As I drove over the bridge and looked across the still, calm water, my eyes were drawn upward to the sky. A sky painted with large purple clouds. The glowing clouds were set against a magnificent display of colors -- bright orange, yellow, deep pink, fading into light blue and gradually getting darker as my eyes moved farther and farther away from the sun. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. Incredible. Amazing. I was almost speechless. At that moment, Hallelujah, by Heather Williams came on the radio. What began as just a typical ride home from church, turned into a sort of worship service. As I gazed into God's beautiful sunset -- His masterpiece -- I was reminded how awesome and powerful, how great and mighty, He truly is. "For the earth is the Lord's and everything in it." 1 Corinthians 10:26. The sky is so vast, stretching as far as our human eyes can see. Yet, God holds the universe in the palm of His hand. He is ever present, looking after His creation. His children. This earth is His. We are His. And He loves us more than we could ever possibly imagine.
As I continued to drive, I heard a little voice coming from the backseat: "Yook at all the wainbows!" Without me even saying a word, Annabelle noticed the wonder of God's creation. She was taken with all the colors in the sky. So was Jacob. "Wow! Mommy! The sky is so many colors! It DOES look like a rainbow!" We took that opportunity to thank God for his beautiful creation, then we talked about how amazing God is and how He is the one true God -- Ruler over all, Creator of everything.
A few minutes later, we had to make a pit stop as I noticed the fuel gauge flirting dangerously close to the big E. When we got back on the highway, just that quickly, the beautiful colors had faded. Night time was settling in and the sky grew darker and darker. Evenso, the kids couldn't stop talking about how pretty the sky was and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
It was just a glimpse. Just a few short moments. But it was all I needed -- all I needed to remind me how small I am and how big my God is. God shows himself to us all the time -- in a sunset, in our children, in our friends, family, in a song. The point is, we should always be looking...always be focused on Him and Him alone. Have you seen God lately?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
VBS 2011
Jacob loves VBS music. Jacob loves VBS. But until this year, he had never actually attended VBS. At our church, the youngest VBS age group is four years old. Jacob could not wait.
Jacob is fascinated with the Statue of Liberty. He even has a book about it that he reads all the time. So, this year's New York themed VBS, Big Apple Adventure, was perfect for him. He thought it was so cool that there was a Statue of Liberty at church!
I've gotta say, I loved the New York theme. It was so much fun -- so much to work with and so many decorating ideas. More importantly, all the kids seemed to love it just as much as I did. Of course, Jacob especially enjoyed the music.
Jacob is fascinated with the Statue of Liberty. He even has a book about it that he reads all the time. So, this year's New York themed VBS, Big Apple Adventure, was perfect for him. He thought it was so cool that there was a Statue of Liberty at church!
I've gotta say, I loved the New York theme. It was so much fun -- so much to work with and so many decorating ideas. More importantly, all the kids seemed to love it just as much as I did. Of course, Jacob especially enjoyed the music.
Annabelle spent the week in the nursery, but don't tell her that. She thinks she went to VBS too. She wore her "I ♥ NY" shirt and proudly told people that was her VBS shirt. She even got to make a few of the crafts that the older kids made during the week. And of course, she knows all the music.
One of the things I love about the VBS music is the Bible verses are in the songs. So, if the kids learn the songs, they also memorize the scripture. Jacob can now add Romans 10:17 and John 3:16 to his list. Annabelle knows them pretty well too.
It was definitely a busy week, but very fun...for all of us. I had a super class of first graders this year. They were all so well-behaved and inquisitive. They listened and followed instructions , which made for an even greater week.
Back in June, Jacob attended a sports camp at another local church. When I dropped him off the first morning, I realized this is what it would be like if we weren't homeschooling -- Annabelle and I dropping Jacob off at school, then heading home or to run errands, etc... I have to say, it felt a little odd at first having only one child around, but it was nice to have some Annabelle time. I'm sure she enjoyed it too. We kept busy having tea parties, playing with baby dolls and stuffed animals, reading all HER books, coloring, etc... We even went to the store where she was able to drive the race car buggy all by herself with no big brother to aggravate her. She enjoyed her "mommy and me" time, as did I, but she was happy to sit down at the table and eat lunch with Jacob after we picked him up from sports camp.
The first day, Jacob was a little hesitant when he realized I was dropping him off...alone. Annabelle wasn't going to be down the hall in another room. I wasn't going to be down the hall in another room. But, he was fine. I knew he would be. When I picked him up at 12:15 PM, he already couldn't wait to go back the next day. Throughout the week he learned lots of new songs, played "really cool games" and memorized Hebrews 12:1-2, one of my favorites: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Powerful words to live by.
One of the things I love about the VBS music is the Bible verses are in the songs. So, if the kids learn the songs, they also memorize the scripture. Jacob can now add Romans 10:17 and John 3:16 to his list. Annabelle knows them pretty well too.
It was definitely a busy week, but very fun...for all of us. I had a super class of first graders this year. They were all so well-behaved and inquisitive. They listened and followed instructions , which made for an even greater week.
Back in June, Jacob attended a sports camp at another local church. When I dropped him off the first morning, I realized this is what it would be like if we weren't homeschooling -- Annabelle and I dropping Jacob off at school, then heading home or to run errands, etc... I have to say, it felt a little odd at first having only one child around, but it was nice to have some Annabelle time. I'm sure she enjoyed it too. We kept busy having tea parties, playing with baby dolls and stuffed animals, reading all HER books, coloring, etc... We even went to the store where she was able to drive the race car buggy all by herself with no big brother to aggravate her. She enjoyed her "mommy and me" time, as did I, but she was happy to sit down at the table and eat lunch with Jacob after we picked him up from sports camp.
Did you spot him?
The first day, Jacob was a little hesitant when he realized I was dropping him off...alone. Annabelle wasn't going to be down the hall in another room. I wasn't going to be down the hall in another room. But, he was fine. I knew he would be. When I picked him up at 12:15 PM, he already couldn't wait to go back the next day. Throughout the week he learned lots of new songs, played "really cool games" and memorized Hebrews 12:1-2, one of my favorites: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Powerful words to live by.
Let the Games Begin!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine........20! Ready or not, here we come!!
Hide and seek is a popular game at our house. Jumping out of a dark closet and scaring a friend or family member out of their pants is always fun, right? Heath may say otherwise, since I scared him so badly (or so well, depending on how you look at it) one night, he jumped into a piece of furniture in the dark and broke his toe. Oops. I never meant to injure him. Just a friendly scare. Oh well. We laugh about it now. Actually, to be quite honest, I laughed about it then too....before I realized his toe was broken.
Jacob and Annabelle love playing hide and seek. We make up our own rules around here. One person hides. The rest of the group seeks. Jacob has finally reached a point where he can hide quietly for a while...sometimes. Other times, we hear him giggling up a storm before we even open our eyes to seek. Annabelle has a favorite hiding place and she ALWAYS announces where we will find her. We instruct her, "Annabelle, you go hide and we'll stay here by the door and count with our eyes closed." "Okaaay!" she shouts. As we begin counting, she turns around and races through the living room yelling, "I'm hiding in the laundwy woom!!!" And she does. Her favorite place to hide is in the laundry room inside the clothes hamper that looks like a dog.

Jacob loves to play Trouble. He'll tell you, "I'm addicted to Trouble." And this is no joke. The kid is addicted to Trouble. If no one will play with him, he'll play the game all by himself (well, him and an imaginary player). Sometimes, we'll hear the popping sound of the pop-o-matic dice before he even comes out of his room in the morning. Then when he finally emerges, he'll announce, "Daddy, I just beat you at Trouble!" "But, I wasn't playing Trouble with you," Heath says. "I know," Jacob replies. "I was pretending you were playing....and I beat you!"
Candy Land is another favorite. Annabelle can play this game now too. The only issue we have with her playing is she always wants to draw the Princess Frostine card. Heath says she has the "princess complex." If someone else draws her card, Annabelle has a fit. "That's my card! I want da pwincess!!!" The last time we played, I drew the card. Annabelle screamed because she didn't get it, but she was content to hold the card in her hand for the rest of the game. She ended up winning and Jacob couldn't believe his two year old sister beat him.
A couple more games we play are Hungry Hungry Hippos and Don't Break the Ice. The kids love these too. We have to watch Annabelle when we play with the Hippos. She will, on occasion, steal a marble, pop it into her mouth, and run down the hall. It's her own little version of the game where SHE is the hungry hungry hippo. I thought the "let's put everything in my mouth" stage would be over by now, but apparently, it isn't. Give her a little white marble or a tiny lego man and I can tell you where it's going. I think the main reason she does it is to make her brother mad. She definitely knows better.
So, if you ever get bored and feel like playing a game or two, come on over. Play with us. We'll start with a game of hide and seek. Annabelle will be in the clothes hamper. I'll do my best not to scare you and cause you to break your toe.
Hide and seek is a popular game at our house. Jumping out of a dark closet and scaring a friend or family member out of their pants is always fun, right? Heath may say otherwise, since I scared him so badly (or so well, depending on how you look at it) one night, he jumped into a piece of furniture in the dark and broke his toe. Oops. I never meant to injure him. Just a friendly scare. Oh well. We laugh about it now. Actually, to be quite honest, I laughed about it then too....before I realized his toe was broken.
Jacob and Annabelle love playing hide and seek. We make up our own rules around here. One person hides. The rest of the group seeks. Jacob has finally reached a point where he can hide quietly for a while...sometimes. Other times, we hear him giggling up a storm before we even open our eyes to seek. Annabelle has a favorite hiding place and she ALWAYS announces where we will find her. We instruct her, "Annabelle, you go hide and we'll stay here by the door and count with our eyes closed." "Okaaay!" she shouts. As we begin counting, she turns around and races through the living room yelling, "I'm hiding in the laundwy woom!!!" And she does. Her favorite place to hide is in the laundry room inside the clothes hamper that looks like a dog.
Jacob loves to play Trouble. He'll tell you, "I'm addicted to Trouble." And this is no joke. The kid is addicted to Trouble. If no one will play with him, he'll play the game all by himself (well, him and an imaginary player). Sometimes, we'll hear the popping sound of the pop-o-matic dice before he even comes out of his room in the morning. Then when he finally emerges, he'll announce, "Daddy, I just beat you at Trouble!" "But, I wasn't playing Trouble with you," Heath says. "I know," Jacob replies. "I was pretending you were playing....and I beat you!"
Candy Land is another favorite. Annabelle can play this game now too. The only issue we have with her playing is she always wants to draw the Princess Frostine card. Heath says she has the "princess complex." If someone else draws her card, Annabelle has a fit. "That's my card! I want da pwincess!!!" The last time we played, I drew the card. Annabelle screamed because she didn't get it, but she was content to hold the card in her hand for the rest of the game. She ended up winning and Jacob couldn't believe his two year old sister beat him.
A couple more games we play are Hungry Hungry Hippos and Don't Break the Ice. The kids love these too. We have to watch Annabelle when we play with the Hippos. She will, on occasion, steal a marble, pop it into her mouth, and run down the hall. It's her own little version of the game where SHE is the hungry hungry hippo. I thought the "let's put everything in my mouth" stage would be over by now, but apparently, it isn't. Give her a little white marble or a tiny lego man and I can tell you where it's going. I think the main reason she does it is to make her brother mad. She definitely knows better.
So, if you ever get bored and feel like playing a game or two, come on over. Play with us. We'll start with a game of hide and seek. Annabelle will be in the clothes hamper. I'll do my best not to scare you and cause you to break your toe.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Before I Forget
Kids say the funniest things...all the time. At least once a day, I hear Jacob say something that either cracks me up or is just unbelievably profound -- especially for a four year old. This week, has certainly not been an exception. I thought I better post a few of the funny lines before I forget. I realize you may not find them as funny as I do. You just had to be there. :) It's not only "what" he says that is funny. It's "how" he says it.
Funny Story #1: We recently "cut the cord" on our cable. We're trying to save money, so the longer we can go without cable, the better. So far, so good. Although a certain person in our family was wondering what life would be like with no Fox News, we're all surviving just fine. After all, we still have the internet. Now, things might not be so "fine" when football season rolls around. We'll just have to wait and see.
I've always limited the kids' TV time. We typically don't turn the TV on during the day. I used to record any shows I thought they would like to watch. Then, they watched those shows, or a movie, while I cooked dinner. I don't have the luxury of recording now, but with Netflix, we have a wide variety of shows and movies to choose from at any time.
Jacob noticed the empty space in our entertainment center where the cable box used to "live." We explained that we had to return it to Hargray (the cable company) and now we wouldn't be able to watch some of the shows we used to watch. He understood and didn't seem to mind.
Monday afternoon, Annabelle picked up the TV remote and announced, "I want to watch... OLIVIA!!" Jacob looked at her very seriously and said, "No, Annabelle, you can not watch Olivia. Olivia has been taken. back. to Hargray."
Funny story #2: While we were in the car on our way to Vacation Bible School yesterday, Annabelle said she saw a Spiderman truck. It's not an unusual sighting. A local towing company does have a truck with Spiderman painted on the side. Jacob, however, saw something different.
Annabelle: "I see a Spiderman truck! MOMMY!! I see a SPIDERMAN truck!!!"
Jacob: "I see a Coke truck! Annabelle, that is NOT a Spiderman truck. THAT IS A COKE TRUCK!!"
Me: "Well, Jacob, she may have seen a Spiderman truck. There is a Spiderman truck around..."
Jacob: "Well, there isn't a Spiderman truck around today!"
Ok then.
Funny story #3: VBS this year has a New York City theme -- Big Apple Adventure. The kids love it. I love it. We just finished up day three today, which means....only two more days to go. This is Jacob's first year participating in VBS. Every other year, he's been in the nursery. He was (and still is) super excited about it. This morning when he woke up, Big Apple Adventure was already on his mind.
Jacob: "Mommy, this Big Apple Adventure made me think of some 'words of the day.'"
Me: "Really? What are the words of the day?
Jacob: "It's happy apple day!"
On the way home this afternoon, I asked him if he sang a certain song during his music time this morning. His response? "No, we didn't sing that song. Maybe tomorrow...on day four. You never know what day four will bring, but I know it will be something special!"
Yes, Jacob, I am sure day four will be special. :) He has loved every minute of VBS and I expect he will be disappointed when it is over at the end of the week. And, if you're wondering, Annabelle has enjoyed herself in the nursery. She plays hard with her friends everyday and has no idea that she isn't actually attending Big Apple Adventure or "Big Apple dabenture," as she calls it. As long as she has something to climb on, a baby doll to play with and goldfish to eat, she's perfectly happy.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Let's Rewind
Can you believe it is July? I'm not quite sure how June managed to pass by so quickly, but nevertheless, it is history. And I suspect we will speed right through this month as well, especially with Vacation Bible School coming up and all the planning I need to do before school begins in August. But before all that craziness sets in.......
These past couple months have been fairly eventful for the Duncan family, May in particular. As you know Jacob played soccer for the first time this year. He seemed to like it. He wasn't ecstatic about it like he is about playing the drums, but he had a good time. He typically played harder during soccer practice than he did during the actual games. I think the 8:30 AM game times had a little something to do with that. On more than one occasion, Jacob walked out onto the game field complaining that he needed more sleep. Sometimes, it just takes him a little while to get going in the morning.

He was happy to receive his trophy at the end of the season. Before Jacob's first game, Heath showed him a trophy he had received for playing some sport when he was younger. Jacob kept it on his dresser in his room. When he finally had his own trophy, Jacob proudly handed Heath's trophy back to him and said, "Here Daddy. I don't need this anymore. I have my own trophy now." Yes, you do, Jacob, and we are so proud of you!
Jacob was also introduced to another sport in May: tennis. He went to a tennis themed birthday party and absolutely loved it! His enthusiasm on the tennis court was much higher than it ever was on the soccer field.

At the end of the month, we took our annual trip to Washington, DC, where Jacob was introduced to baseball. Heath, David, and David's dad took him to his first major league baseball game. After he saw the Nationals play, Jacob played baseball the rest of the evening. All he wanted to do was swing the bat and hit. that. ball. Despite the fact that they lost the game that day, the Nationals had a major impact on Jacob. As far as I can tell, baseball is now his favorite sport.

After the game, the guys rode the metro. Now, for most people, the metro may not sound like a thrilling experience, but it was for Jacob. He still talks about it today. In fact, it came up just a couple days ago. Jacob and Annabelle were pretending to ride a train in the hallway. They had set up four chairs in a row. "You know what, Annabelle?" Jacob said, smiling. "I rode on a real train one time. It was called the metro."
Of course, we did some DC sightseeing. Since Jacob had learned a little about Abraham Lincoln in school, we thought he would enjoy seeing the Lincoln Memorial. He did.
He had read the Gettysburg address a few days before, so he was excited to see those same words engraved on the monument wall. Annabelle enjoyed herself too. She likes to tell people, "We saw the pwesident!" And sometimes she adds, "It was beh-wy cool!"

At the Jefferson Memorial, Annabelle escaped and thought it was great fun to step inside the chains and sit on the statue. Oh boy. How I wished she would just sit contently in her stroller. Yeah. That's definitely wishful thinking. Her energy level is way too high for her ever to be content in a stroller. HOWEVER, DC wore her out. On two separate occasions, she actually fell asleep in the stroller while we walked around. I can't remember her EVER falling asleep in the stroller!

My sister has the pleasure of working for Congressman Allen West, so we had the opportunity to meet him one afternoon.
Proud parent moment: The congressman held up an American Flag and asked Annabelle what it was. Without missing a beat, she answered, "flag of The United States of America." During the school year, Jacob, Annabelle and I said the pledge each morning. I was happy to discover that she actually remembered it!

We all had a great time in DC. There is so much to do and so much to see. I only wish we had a few more days to do and see everything. There's always next time!!
These past couple months have been fairly eventful for the Duncan family, May in particular. As you know Jacob played soccer for the first time this year. He seemed to like it. He wasn't ecstatic about it like he is about playing the drums, but he had a good time. He typically played harder during soccer practice than he did during the actual games. I think the 8:30 AM game times had a little something to do with that. On more than one occasion, Jacob walked out onto the game field complaining that he needed more sleep. Sometimes, it just takes him a little while to get going in the morning.

He was happy to receive his trophy at the end of the season. Before Jacob's first game, Heath showed him a trophy he had received for playing some sport when he was younger. Jacob kept it on his dresser in his room. When he finally had his own trophy, Jacob proudly handed Heath's trophy back to him and said, "Here Daddy. I don't need this anymore. I have my own trophy now." Yes, you do, Jacob, and we are so proud of you!
Jacob was also introduced to another sport in May: tennis. He went to a tennis themed birthday party and absolutely loved it! His enthusiasm on the tennis court was much higher than it ever was on the soccer field.

At the end of the month, we took our annual trip to Washington, DC, where Jacob was introduced to baseball. Heath, David, and David's dad took him to his first major league baseball game. After he saw the Nationals play, Jacob played baseball the rest of the evening. All he wanted to do was swing the bat and hit. that. ball. Despite the fact that they lost the game that day, the Nationals had a major impact on Jacob. As far as I can tell, baseball is now his favorite sport.

After the game, the guys rode the metro. Now, for most people, the metro may not sound like a thrilling experience, but it was for Jacob. He still talks about it today. In fact, it came up just a couple days ago. Jacob and Annabelle were pretending to ride a train in the hallway. They had set up four chairs in a row. "You know what, Annabelle?" Jacob said, smiling. "I rode on a real train one time. It was called the metro."

He had read the Gettysburg address a few days before, so he was excited to see those same words engraved on the monument wall. Annabelle enjoyed herself too. She likes to tell people, "We saw the pwesident!" And sometimes she adds, "It was beh-wy cool!"

At the Jefferson Memorial, Annabelle escaped and thought it was great fun to step inside the chains and sit on the statue. Oh boy. How I wished she would just sit contently in her stroller. Yeah. That's definitely wishful thinking. Her energy level is way too high for her ever to be content in a stroller. HOWEVER, DC wore her out. On two separate occasions, she actually fell asleep in the stroller while we walked around. I can't remember her EVER falling asleep in the stroller!

My sister has the pleasure of working for Congressman Allen West, so we had the opportunity to meet him one afternoon.
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