Kids say the funniest things...all the time. At least once a day, I hear Jacob say something that either cracks me up or is just unbelievably profound -- especially for a four year old. This week, has certainly not been an exception. I thought I better post a few of the funny lines before I forget. I realize you may not find them as funny as I do. You just had to be there. :) It's not only "what" he says that is funny. It's "how" he says it.
Funny Story #1: We recently "cut the cord" on our cable. We're trying to save money, so the longer we can go without cable, the better. So far, so good. Although a certain person in our family was wondering what life would be like with no Fox News, we're all surviving just fine. After all, we still have the internet. Now, things might not be so "fine" when football season rolls around. We'll just have to wait and see.
I've always limited the kids' TV time. We typically don't turn the TV on during the day. I used to record any shows I thought they would like to watch. Then, they watched those shows, or a movie, while I cooked dinner. I don't have the luxury of recording now, but with Netflix, we have a wide variety of shows and movies to choose from at any time.
Jacob noticed the empty space in our entertainment center where the cable box used to "live." We explained that we had to return it to Hargray (the cable company) and now we wouldn't be able to watch some of the shows we used to watch. He understood and didn't seem to mind.
Monday afternoon, Annabelle picked up the TV remote and announced, "I want to watch... OLIVIA!!" Jacob looked at her very seriously and said, "No, Annabelle, you can not watch Olivia. Olivia has been taken. back. to Hargray."
Funny story #2: While we were in the car on our way to Vacation Bible School yesterday, Annabelle said she saw a Spiderman truck. It's not an unusual sighting. A local towing company does have a truck with Spiderman painted on the side. Jacob, however, saw something different.
Annabelle: "I see a Spiderman truck! MOMMY!! I see a SPIDERMAN truck!!!"
Jacob: "I see a Coke truck! Annabelle, that is NOT a Spiderman truck. THAT IS A COKE TRUCK!!"
Me: "Well, Jacob, she may have seen a Spiderman truck. There is a Spiderman truck around..."
Jacob: "Well, there isn't a Spiderman truck around today!"
Ok then.
Funny story #3: VBS this year has a New York City theme -- Big Apple Adventure. The kids love it. I love it. We just finished up day three today, which means....only two more days to go. This is Jacob's first year participating in VBS. Every other year, he's been in the nursery. He was (and still is) super excited about it. This morning when he woke up, Big Apple Adventure was already on his mind.
Jacob: "Mommy, this Big Apple Adventure made me think of some 'words of the day.'"
Me: "Really? What are the words of the day?
Jacob: "It's happy apple day!"
On the way home this afternoon, I asked him if he sang a certain song during his music time this morning. His response? "No, we didn't sing that song. Maybe tomorrow...on day four. You never know what day four will bring, but I know it will be something special!"
Yes, Jacob, I am sure day four will be special. :) He has loved every minute of VBS and I expect he will be disappointed when it is over at the end of the week. And, if you're wondering, Annabelle has enjoyed herself in the nursery. She plays hard with her friends everyday and has no idea that she isn't actually attending Big Apple Adventure or "Big Apple dabenture," as she calls it. As long as she has something to climb on, a baby doll to play with and goldfish to eat, she's perfectly happy.
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