Hide and seek is a popular game at our house. Jumping out of a dark closet and scaring a friend or family member out of their pants is always fun, right? Heath may say otherwise, since I scared him so badly (or so well, depending on how you look at it) one night, he jumped into a piece of furniture in the dark and broke his toe. Oops. I never meant to injure him. Just a friendly scare. Oh well. We laugh about it now. Actually, to be quite honest, I laughed about it then too....before I realized his toe was broken.
Jacob and Annabelle love playing hide and seek. We make up our own rules around here. One person hides. The rest of the group seeks. Jacob has finally reached a point where he can hide quietly for a while...sometimes. Other times, we hear him giggling up a storm before we even open our eyes to seek. Annabelle has a favorite hiding place and she ALWAYS announces where we will find her. We instruct her, "Annabelle, you go hide and we'll stay here by the door and count with our eyes closed." "Okaaay!" she shouts. As we begin counting, she turns around and races through the living room yelling, "I'm hiding in the laundwy woom!!!" And she does. Her favorite place to hide is in the laundry room inside the clothes hamper that looks like a dog.
Jacob loves to play Trouble. He'll tell you, "I'm addicted to Trouble." And this is no joke. The kid is addicted to Trouble. If no one will play with him, he'll play the game all by himself (well, him and an imaginary player). Sometimes, we'll hear the popping sound of the pop-o-matic dice before he even comes out of his room in the morning. Then when he finally emerges, he'll announce, "Daddy, I just beat you at Trouble!" "But, I wasn't playing Trouble with you," Heath says. "I know," Jacob replies. "I was pretending you were playing....and I beat you!"
Candy Land is another favorite. Annabelle can play this game now too. The only issue we have with her playing is she always wants to draw the Princess Frostine card. Heath says she has the "princess complex." If someone else draws her card, Annabelle has a fit. "That's my card! I want da pwincess!!!" The last time we played, I drew the card. Annabelle screamed because she didn't get it, but she was content to hold the card in her hand for the rest of the game. She ended up winning and Jacob couldn't believe his two year old sister beat him.
A couple more games we play are Hungry Hungry Hippos and Don't Break the Ice. The kids love these too. We have to watch Annabelle when we play with the Hippos. She will, on occasion, steal a marble, pop it into her mouth, and run down the hall. It's her own little version of the game where SHE is the hungry hungry hippo. I thought the "let's put everything in my mouth" stage would be over by now, but apparently, it isn't. Give her a little white marble or a tiny lego man and I can tell you where it's going. I think the main reason she does it is to make her brother mad. She definitely knows better.
So, if you ever get bored and feel like playing a game or two, come on over. Play with us. We'll start with a game of hide and seek. Annabelle will be in the clothes hamper. I'll do my best not to scare you and cause you to break your toe.
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