Monday, November 2, 2009

Birthday Girl

One year old. Annabelle is one year old and I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go?

When Annabelle woke up Friday morning (at 11:00!!!!!!), Jacob and I went in to sing Happy Birthday. After we sang, Jacob got right in her face and yelled, as loud as he could, "HAPPY BIRT-DAAAAAYYYY!!!" He did this randomly throughout the day. I guess he didn't want her to forget that it was her special day. Annabelle didn't seem to mind...all that much.

Her birthday was a day filled with all kinds of fun events. Ok...not really. I had a lot of last minute errands to run since her party was the next day. So, I loaded everyone up in the car and headed out for a few hours.

Even though I procrastinated and didn't do a few things until the last minute, I was proud of myself for getting an early start on the cake. I was determined to go to bed at a decent hour the night before the party. No more of that 3:00 AM stuff. I baked the cake Thursday afternoon and Erika and I started decorating later that night. However, even though the cake was finished long before 3:00 AM Saturday morning, I still didn't make it to bed until 3:00 AM. Oh well.

About the cake: When I was little, my mom made me a cute green dress with a doll to match. I always made fun of this doll because I thought it looked funny, but my mom made it and I loved it. When I was decorating Annabelle's room, I found this doll and sat it on a shelf on the wall. Several months ago, Annabelle spotted this funny looking doll when I got her out of bed one morning. She smiled the biggest smile ever and reached out for it. I walked her over to the doll and she became so excited, I thought she was going to hyperventilate. When I handed her the doll, Annabelle grabbed it and held it close to her like she was giving it a big hug. She smiled the entire time, clutching it as tightly as she could. I couldn't believe she didn't try to eat the doll's hair. She didn't bite its arms or legs. She never even put it in her mouth. Annabelle puts everything in her mouth, so this was definitely interesting. I don't know why, but she LOVES that doll. I decided at that moment, for her birthday, Annabelle would have a baby doll cake.

As much as she loves that little doll, Annabelle loved the cake even more.

Here, Daddy. You taste it.

Annabelle was a little more interested in eating cake than opening presents, so Jacob helped her out with that part. He opened most of her gifts and has actually been playing with them ever since. You'd think it was his birthday.

Annabelle loves her new toys too.

The party was so much fun. It was a wonderful day, full of presents, cake, friends and family. I know Annabelle enjoyed herself. She's already been asking me when we can do it again. :) Hold on Annabelle! Birthdays only come once a year and I'm praying time will creep ever so slowly toward that next one. Can't you just stay one forever?? :)

Is the party over?

Tickle, tickle!

I'm so glad you came to my party!

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