Sunday, April 26, 2009

So cute I can't stand it!

Here are a few (well, actually...a lot) pictures and a couple videos from the weekend. Enjoy!
I wasn't aware that this was a toy for two.

Honestly, Jacob. What are you doing?

Happy girl!

Wanna pway puzzles wif me?

...and I call this video "The Jealous Big Brother"

Ok...Jacob, please come stand by your sister so I can take a picture of you two.

Jacob, please look at the camera. Why don't you stand a little closer and give her a hug? sweet....
But this one is my favorite:

Don't you just want to eat me up??

Hooray! A laugh finally caught on camera!!

They Don’t Call ‘Em Lullabies For Nothin’!

What is a lullaby? According to, a lullaby is a “soothing song used to lull a child to sleep.” We have a CD of instrumental lullabies that has proven to be a very helpful aid in lulling both Jacob and Annabelle to sleep. The songs are so peaceful and soothing. When I play this music in the car, within seconds, the dueling thumb sucking begins and I know they’ll both be out soon. Ahhhhhhh, the sounds of naptime……

The other day, I had to drive over to Heath’s office and both children were in desperate need of a nap. Annabelle was getting cranky and Jacob was getting more tired by the minute. Time for the lullaby CD! Soon after the music began, just as I hoped, thumbs were in the mouths and eyelids were getting heavier and heavier…including mine (no, I was not sucking my thumb). Here’s where I have an issue with the definition of the word “lullaby.” By definition, lullabies are supposed to lull children to sleep, not adults. As I sat listening to this soothing music, I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier (not a good thing when you’re driving!). I couldn’t wait to see the thumbs drop (that’s how I know the kids are really asleep) so I could turn off the lullabies and turn on something with a beat to wake me up.

So, here’s a tip: the next time you can’t sleep, listen to a few instrumental lullabies. It may do the trick. It was obviously working for me!

A Walk on the Beach

What an absolutely gorgeous weekend! I love spring (although, it felt a little like summer)! We took advantage of this terrific weather and went for a walk on the beach Friday afternoon. Jacob loves the beach and it was Annabelle's first time seeing the ocean.

This picture cracks me up. Annabelle must have been thinking, "What in the world is my brother doing now???"

As soon as we told Jacob we were going to the beach, he headed to his room to get his swimsuit. Then he said, "Mommy, get da spway...mommy, get da spway." He was reminding me to get the sunscreen, which is in a spray bottle. As we were putting on his shoes near the front door, he said, "Daddy, get da fower bag out da gawage (Get the flower bag out of the garage)" I can't believe he remembered that bag! I have a beach bag with flowers on it that we took to the beach LAST SUMMER and he remembered it!

Operation Return All Seashells to Their Home in the Water
As we walked along the beach, we saw a starfish, a sand dollar, a crab, and lots and lots of seashells. Judging from Jacob's actions, I'm guessing he got a special message somewhere along the way that said, "Jacob, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to return all the seashells to the water." That is exactly what he did. He picked up seashells, one by one, and threw them in the water throughout our walk. He didn't want to keep them. He only wanted to get them back to the ocean. He didn't rid the beach of ALL the seashells, but he sure tried hard!
Must find more sea shells!!
Here's one!

Annabelle rode in the stroller most of the time. She was extremely sleepy and in desperate need of a long nap. Evenso, I think she enjoyed herself. Movement usually puts her to sleep (stroller, car, etc...), so she slept for quite a while.

No more pictures, ok?? I just want to sleep!

Chasing seagulls

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Neverending Chore.....

Laundry. It’s the one chore that never seems to end. Our washer and dryer run 24/7…or at least it sure seems that way. Our family keeps the Tide, Dreft and Spray-n-Wash companies in business. Lucky for me, I don’t mind doing laundry. I mean, it’s not my favorite pastime, but I enjoy laundry a lot better than say, cleaning a toilet. I don’t mind sorting the clothes. I don’t mind throwing them in the washer. I don’t mind throwing them in the dryer or hanging them up to dry. I don’t even mind folding laundry. But, when it comes to putting the clothes away, that’s a whole different story.

What is it about putting clothes away that is so annoying? I detest this chore. I know I am not alone in feeling this way because I have talked about this very thing with several other people who also hate to put clothes away. Right now as I type, there are many, many, MANY piles of stacked clothing sitting around my living room just begging to be put in their rightful places. I, however, am choosing to ignore them and instead update the blog. At any given time, if you come to my house (unannounced) you are likely to find the coffee table (and possibly the loveseat) covered with laundry, all neatly stacked and organized according to its owner. Do you think I could hire someone JUST to put away my laundry? “Hello, Merrymaids? I’d like someone to come over and put away my laundry for me….No…you don’t have to DO the laundry. Just put it away.” It probably wouldn’t be worth it, but…just a thought.

Baby Dedication

Sunday was another special celebration day for Annabelle – her baby dedication. She was dedicated at the beginning of the church service yesterday morning and she was in her usual smiley mood. She looked beautiful in her long white gown and smiled at the congregation as the pastor held her and showed her off down the aisle. She loves to grab things now and at one point during their walk, Annabelle grabbed the pastor’s ear which brought a few laughs.

Jacob stood with us at the front of the church, but he was interested in everything but the actual dedication. He was concerned about the sucker we promised him after it was over and then wanted desperately to play with the microphone that was lying on the table behind us. He wandered around the front of the church, then kneeled on the kneeling bench for a few minutes before it was over. At least he didn’t go running wildly down the aisle, which is what I fully expected.

Annabelle is truly a little blessing. Of course, I left the camera in the car (oops), so I don't have any pictures of us at the church, but here are a few pictures taken that day. When these were taken, Jacob was sound asleep and I decided his nap was more important than pictures. After all, it was Annabelle's day, right?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Conversations With Jacob

Had a rough day, Jacob?

Jacob's imagination, coupled with his ever expanding vocabulary, makes me laugh everyday. He says the funniest things! Here is a sampling of our recent conversations:

Jacob: Yook Mommy! It's windy!!
Me: It is windy. Do you see the wind blowing the trees?
Jacob: Uh-huh.
Me: Who made the wind?
Jacob: (emphatically) Aunt Jo-Buff!!

While we ate lunch, we were listening to this Mozart music for kids......
Jacob: Mommy sing!
Me: But I don't know this song.
Jacob: Mommy sing!
Me: la la la la laaaaaaaa
Jacob: No mommy...sing beh-yuh (better)...sing beh-yuh, mommy. Sing like a pano (piano)!!

Easter Sunday on the way to church, we said, "He is risen!" and taught Jacob the correct response: "He is risen, indeed!" However, it came out a little differently when he said it.
Me: He is risen!
Jacob: He is Steve!

More from Easter Sunday...
Me: Do you think the Easter bunny came to our house?
Jacob: Peter Cottontail comin'?
Me: Peter Cottontail? Is that the Easter Bunny's name?
Jacob: Uh-huh. Here comes Peter Cottontail....

Yesterday morning, Jacob was rockin' out with his guitar.
Me: Are you a rockstar?
Jacob: NO! I a big boy! My name's JACOB!

We got behind a v-e-r-y s-l-o-w driver the other day. I don't remember where we were going, but knowing me, we were probably running late. I got frustrated.
Me: Uuuugggggghhhhhh! Could you drive any slower?
Jacob: No Mommy. Say, "Good gwief (grief)" then say, "uuugggghhh!"

At the Chik-fil-A drive-thru, I rolled down the window to order...
Me: I would like...
Jacob: Mommy want a Com-BO?

In the car on the way to Target...
Me: We're going to Target!
Jacob: Oooooohh...Tah-get! Yay for Tah-get!
Me: Yay for Target!
Jacob: get pup-cohn (popcorn)?
Me: If you are good, yes, you can have some popcorn.
Jacob: Pup-cohn a special teet (treat)?
Me: Yes, popcorn is a special treat.

He really does crack me up everyday! He's so entertaining. When we went to Charleston for the bridge run, we stayed in a hotel for the weekend. Jacob loved playing in the closet behind the sliding mirrored doors. The last day we were there, he pretended he was at a drive up window, sliding the doors back and forth, and ordering food. He also asked if we wanted a kids meal.

Here's one more conversation from the Charleston weekend:
My sister and Jacob were walking down the hallway at the hotel. He told her he wanted a waffle.
They arrived at the breakfast area and a little boy who was putting pancakes on his plate saw Jacob.
Random boy: "Hi!"
Jacob: "Hi!"
Random boy: (Sticks out his hand for a handshake.) "Nice to meet you!"
Jacob: (Shakes his hand) "Nice to meet you! Make me a waffle?!"
JoBeth: "Jacob, come on over here, and we'll make you a waffle."

Yesterday at Publix, he told the guy helping to load up our groceries that his sister's name was Anna-bale and that she was a babycakes....and a yiyel (little) peanut.

Here are a few pictures from the Flowertown Festival. Note the look of pure excitement on Jacob's face (ha ha). For some reason, he never shows any emotion when he's on a ride.

He did crack a little grin when he got on the Thomas train.

Discovering the deliciousness that is cotton candy. Mmmmmmmm. He wasn't sure what to think of it at first, but then wanted more when that bite was gone.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drama Queen? Me? Never.

When I was little, I couldn't stand the fact that I had lines in my socks. You know...that seam across the toe? I hated it. My parents will gladly tell you stories about the horrible fits I threw because they made me wear socks with lines. Oh, the horror. :) I also wore knee socks a lot (with shorts and sandals occasionally...don't judge....I was trying to start a fashion trend. Can I help it if it didn't take off??) and some of them were textured...with lines. I hated those too. To this day, I can't tell you what it was about those lines that I didn't like, but I sure made it known that I didn't like them. I vividly remember one particular morning when my dad was helping me get ready for church. He was trying to make me wear those awful socks and I was not having it. I refused to wear them. "But those socks have lines," I screamed. "I don't want to wear them. Nobody else wears socks with lines!" I truly thought wearing those socks would ruin my life. Then my dad said something about how all socks have lines and I had better put on those socks right now, etc., etc......

I guess I have a bit of drama queen in me. It still rears its ugly head every once in a while. And now, it seems I have passed on that trait to my daughter. It's amazing how much personality can shine through, even at five months old.

Today, Annabelle was playing with the toys attached to her bouncy seat. If a toy is suspended on a bar above her head and she can't get that toy into her mouth, she gets very frustrated. Toys just within her reach aren't good enough. They must be within reach of her mouth. I saw her struggling with one, so I thought I would help her out. I reached down and took the toy off the bar so she could get it to her mouth. The second I touched that toy, her face turned red and she started screaming. She did not like me touching that toy. If her screams could be translated into words, I imagine this is what I would have heard: "Can you believe my mother????? She has the nerve to touch MY toy! And now she has taken it off the bar where it belongs!!! This is the worst day of my life!!!!!!!!!!" After a few seconds of trying to get her to play with the toy, I gave up and put it back on the bar, so it was again, suspended above her head. She stopped crying instantly. Boy, I wonder what she'll be like when she gets a little older. People always say, "One day, you're gonna have a child just like you. Just wait." Oh boy. Does anyone know where I can buy socks without lines?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Picture Time!

Since we already planned to be in Charleston for the bridge run, I scheduled an appointment for Spring/Easter pictures. I originally planned to go later this week. Boy, am I glad I decided to do it over the weekend! If I had waited, I would have gone alone and that would have been a nightmare! It is tough trying to get Jacob to cooperate for pictures while also trying to keep Annabelle happy. Then there are the outfit changes, etc... I don't know what I would have done without Heath there to help. Picture appointments are exhausting. By the time we were through, I was ready to call it a day and hop into bed!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cooper River Bridge Run 2009

The Cooper River Bridge Run is always fun. No matter the weather -- rainy, windy, hot and humid, or absolutely perfect, you can count on having a good time. I try to participate every year. I missed it last year because I was feeling really sick due to a little peanut we now call Annabelle. :) Every year I tell myself, “Next year, I’m gonna run it.” Then, next year comes and I end up walking it again. That’s ok. It’s still fun. Whether you walk or run, it’s still a good time. Actually, I imagine it’s probably more fun walking than running. This year, we decided to push the stroller and take Jacob and Annabelle along. It was Heath’s first time participating as a walker. He admitted that he felt a little lame at first because he usually runs the race, but said it was a lot more fun walking – you can actually have a conversation and enjoy the scenery. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time.
Ready to race!

My Aunt loves me!

Asleep before we even made it to the starting line.

And we're off! Jacob woke up soon after we got going.

Look up!

Jacob is waving at the Chic-Fil-A cow. Hi Cow!

Mmmmm...a celebratory apple.

Break it down! (You can't tell from this picture, but Jacob was dancing with the cow.) He hasn't stopped talking about how he danced with the cow!

Thoughts on waiting in lines......
We are a society of technology addicted multi-taskers. When we got to Charleston Friday, we first went to have Jacob’s and Annabelle’s pictures taken, so we didn’t get to pick up our race packets until around 7:00 PM. When we got there, the packet pick-up line was wrapped around the block (no, I am not exaggerating). I waited approximately two hours to pick up our race numbers and T-shirts. While I stood in line, I did a little people watching and here’s what I saw: Everyone was on the phone, either talking or texting. One guy was watching a TV show on his iPhone. The couple behind me had just arrived from Atlanta and they were actually talking to each other…and me – no phones. But then, the wife asked her husband to walk to Starbucks for a cappuccino run. As soon as he left, out came the phone. Then when he came back, he grabbed his phone to check the race day weather forecast. The girl in front of me was a speed texter. I couldn’t believe how fast she was sending and answering messages. I am envious. It seems like it takes me forever to text any message, short or long. Maybe if my phone had a full keyboard….?????? Since everyone else was on their phones, I decided to join in. Why not? What else could I do standing in line for two hours? Heath was wandering around the grounds trying to keep Annabelle and Jacob happy.

Once we made it inside the building, everyone had to look up their name to find their race number. The names were in small print and were posted on several bulletin boards – all 38,600+ of them. I kept hearing comments like, “I can’t even read this,” and “Ma’am, can you please tell me what this number is? I didn’t bring my glasses.” The next problem…nobody had pens and nobody had paper to write their numbers down. No worries. Who needs paper when you have a cell phone? We all either entered our numbers into our phone or took a picture. But in order to do so, phone conversations were cut short, TV shows were paused and internet surfing was put on hold. As soon as everyone found their numbers, it was back to business – more talking, texting and TV watching. We were in line together, but each of us was involved in our own separate world. We stood in that line for two solid hours. Just think of how much we could have learned about each other during that time if we didn’t have cell phones as a distraction!