Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Daddy's (Papa's) 60th Birthday Party

June 15 was Daddy's 60th birthday, so of course, we had to have a party! Everyone had a great time and Jacob especially enjoyed the cake. He climbed up on a chair beside the counter and tasted the icing before any of us could stop him. We all knew what he was doing when we heard him say, "Mmmmmmm....nummy." Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Cake is great!


David, you think you have enough chips or should we open another bag?

Ummm...are you sure I can't fall out of this thing?

Aimee took Jacob for his first ride in a golf cart.

Anytime Jacob plays on a swing, he can't help but say, "Wheeeeeee!" JoBeth, hope you don't mind that I posted this video!

Jacob loves the piano, especially the Clavinova because it can play music AND drum sounds.......

and he loves to play the "pama" at home too. "Pama" is his word for piano. On this particular day, he was in a dancing mood.

Hey Mom, Look at My Hair!

When Jacob sleeps, he rolls around all over his crib. Every time I walk in to check on him, he's in a different position at the opposite end from where he was before. Since he's such a mover, he often wakes up with crazy mohawk hair and on this day, I found it particularly funny.

On June 10, I took both Katie and Jacob with me to the polls. they were excited because they got "I Voted" stickers, but Katie was a little disappointed because when I told her we were going to vote, she thought I said we were going on a boat. Oh well.

Wow...time has really gotten away from me.....

I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post! I've been meaning to put the new ultrasound pictures up for a week, but we've been so busy. Actually, I have lots of pictures and videos to post, so I think I'll create a few posts to get them all on.

Last Tuesday's Ultrasound ------ For all of you who thought we were having a are absolutely right! At least, you're right according to the ultrasound technician who seemed pretty confident with her findings. We're really excited and I'm sure Jacob will love his new little sister! He's still too young to really understand that we're going to have a new baby in the house soon, but he will point to my stomach and say, "baby." However, immediately after he does that, he also points to himself and says, "baby" because in his mind, he's still a baby too. I have to admit, I was shocked because I was convinced it was a boy. The next step will be to decide on a name. That's gonna take some time. And whatever we decide, we're going to keep it a secret until she's born. I will tell you, at the rate we're going, we may not even know until she's born!

I think this is the best one. You can see her little hands and the side of her head at the bottom.

The tech said she was having trouble getting a good profile shot because of the way the baby was situated, so this is the best we have.

This is the picture that shows she is a girl. Can you tell?

Ok...I know this one looks a little a little tiny skull, but I promise, on the monitor, I actually got to see her cute little face. Heath, unfortunately, didn't get to see much while it was being done because he was trying to keep Jacob out of the hazardous waste trash cans. To an almost two year old, hazardous waste is much more interesting than a little black and white blob on a computer screen.

So, those are the newest pictures of our baby girl and probably the last ones we'll get until she's born!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Looks like a Monet

This morning we had what I'll call a "fingerpainting extravaganza." Katie and Jacob had a blast with the paint. Jacob had only used fingerpaint one other time and he wasn't even a year old yet. In fact, I think he was only about 9 months old. I wasn't sure if Katie would like it or not since she typically does not like to get dirty, but she absolutely loved it and ended up painting three beautiful pictures! She could hardly wait to show her mom and dad.

Jacob had lots of fun too. He did something Katie didn't do -- taste the paint. Although I don't think he really liked it, he just couldn't resist putting his hands in his mouth.

Thanks Heath for letting them wear your T-shirts as smocks! (Heath doesn't know...yet...that I let them wear his shirts!)

Jacob painted two pictures -- one mostly his handprints, and the other, his own special creation. Even with the "smock," he managed to get paint all over his arms and since he also enjoyed walking around in the paint, I decided to hose him down in the yard. Of course, he was thrilled. He had even more fun with the water than he did with the paint!

Here are Jacob's masterpieces. I know what you're thinking -- Are you sure that isn't a Monet?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Trip to the Barbershop

I got a haircut today!......but more importantly...I got a balloon!!!

We crossed another milestone yesterday -- Jacob's first haircut! Heath and I had been talking about it for a couple weeks now, wondering when we should take him. Jacob's hair was getting pretty long around his ears and was growing longer in the back too. If his hair had been curly, I would have put off the haircut for a while, but the only time it curled was when he got really hot. Although it was kind of cute at times, I figured with the hot summer months now upon us, we should bite the bullet and take him to see Mr. Jerry.

Mr. Jerry goes to our church and owns a barberhop on the island. Jacob knows him, so I knew that would work out well...and it did. Jacob was perfect. He sat completely motionless in the chair, much like he does at the doctor's office. He just sits back and takes it all in. He had his finger in his mouth almost the entire tme. Some of you may remember how he used to act when he was tiny and you put a pair of sunglasses on him. Well, that's exactly how he acted while he was getting his hair cut. About halfway through, Mr. Jerry let him hold a big red comb and that livened him up a bit.

I was amazed at how different he looked afterwards...even cuter than before (if you can believe that)! I'm so glad we decided to do this! After he was finished, Mr. Jerry gave him a red balloon which Jacob loved, and a First Haircut Certificate signifying his graduation from "babyhood." He's such a big boy now!

Here are a couple videos:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Anyone care to place a friendly wager???

Baby Update -- I went to the doctor yesterday and all seems well. We listened to the heartbeat and everything sounded perfect. The most exciting news is that we don't have to wait until July to find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl! I have an ultrasound scheduled for June 17! Yay! So, if you want to place any bets on what you think this one is, now is the time. Hopefully the baby will be in a cooperative mood on the 17th because I do know of several people who desperately wanted to find out the sex of their baby, but couldn't. We'll just have to wait and see.
I'm still thinking it's a boy because there are a lot of similarities between this pregnancy and my first. I've been sick (still hoping that will go away soon) and my tastebuds are completely wacko (is that a real word?) -- both things that happened with Jacob. BUT...there are little things that are different. This time I've been having major cravings for Mexican food and sweet things like brown sugar and cinnamon pop-tarts and rice pudding. Last time, I didn't have any real cravings, just food aversions. I couldn't tolerate anything sweet -- AT ALL. I've also developed aversions to all my favorite foods, just like last time -- cereal, potatoes, and chocolate -- along with a few others -- tomatoes and tomato sauce, anything with chicken boullion, and garlic. There are more foods, but even the thought of them makes me sick.

While I think it's a boy, Jacob seems to have his own ideas. The other day, while we were on our way to Chik-fil-A, we saw a man getting a tiny baby out of his car and I said, "Katie, did you see the baby?" She said, "Yeah!" I said, "You know, we're gonna have a baby in a few months" to which she replied, "I know." I asked her if she thought it was going to be a boy or a girl and out of the blue, Jacob yelled out, "Guhhh!" which I'm guessing is his version of girl. Katie said she didn't know. If Jacob is right, he'll be right along with most everyone at our church who thinks we're definitely having a girl.
This ultrasound was done back in April, but since I really hadn't posted anything about the new baby yet, I thought I would put a picture on the site.