Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun with Cheerios

Food can be so much fun, especially for a toddler. Take, for instance, a normal, everyday activity like eating breakfast. For grown-ups, it can be a pretty mundane part of the day, but to Jacob, it's playtime and a perfect opportunity to use his imagination.
This morning, he had cheerios, yogurt and raisins. Usually, he likes to put a cheerio in his yogurt and fish it out with a spoon. While he did do that today, he also decided to get a little creative. First, he began stacking a raisin between two cheerios and called them hamburgers. How cute is that? Then, he made a "slide" out of his napkin and let the cheerios go down the slide into his pocket bib, cheering, "Yaaaaaaaaay!" each time one fell in. After he acquired quite a large collection, he ate every one of them, then told me he was "all done." Who knew breakfast could also double as playtime? He makes every day fun, that's for sure.

Last week, Heath found an old cell phone in his car and gave it to Jacob to play with. That has turned into his favorite toy. He's been obsessed with phones for a while and has several toy phones, but getting to play with a "real" one is so much better. Everyday, he makes calls to just about everyone he knows. I never do any prompting. He decides who he wants to call on his own. For a while, he called David ALL the time. Here's a little video of one of his daily phone sessions:

Sometimes when Jacob actually is talking on the phone to someone, he'll hit a button and I'll take the phone from him and ask," Hey...are you still there?" thinking he may have accidently hung up. Now, everytime Jacob hits a button, he says, "Der? Der?"

Jacob got his third haircut on Wednesday, and just like every other time, I think he looks so much older now. It's shorter than it has ever been! Since his hair has been growing so fast lately, we decided to taper it in the back a little. He looks more like a little boy and less like a baby every day.

Heath and I have really been trying to help Jacob understand that he is going to be a big brother and that there will be a new baby in our house. I think he's starting to catch on a little, but not to the point of full understanding. He does look at my tummy now and say, "Come out!" I've been telling him the baby is going to come out soon. Whether he gets it or not right now, he'll learn soon enough!

I ordered a new car seat cover and am so excited about it. I absolutely love it! (I know...little things make me happy). The car seat is all ready now, except I still need to find that extra infant head support. When Jacob was a newborn, he was so tiny, I think we actually used three separate head supports to keep his head from flopping around. Unfortunately, we didn't have them when we brought him home from the hospital. Look at how he just disappeared in the seat!

The "new" car seat

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