Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why, Yes...I am a REAL NASA Astronaut

I'm ready to go!

We went to the Trunk or Treat event tonight at church and had a great time...especially Jacob. He now has more candy than any two year old should ever be allowed to eat. Fortunately, we've been able to keep him from eating too much. Unfortunately, Heath and I have been eating candy (and still are) all night long. This is not good. Why did everyone have to give out the good candy (Snickers, M&Ms, Butterfingers, etc...)? Where were the Whoppers? I wouldn't be tempted by Whoppers. Oh well. I have to admit...Snickers and Twix may be bad for you, but they sure taste good. Want one? Better get over here fast because the way we're eating, they won't last long!

Jacob was definitely the cutest (and the only) astronaut at Trunk or Treat. (Thank you David!) He loved his spacesuit and so did everyone else. He even kept his hat on the whole night! If he hadn't broken his sunglasses yesterday, he probably would have worn those too, despite the darkness. He still loves sunglasses. In fact, several people asked him where they were tonight because he always wears them to church.

When we got home, I asked Jacob if he had fun tonight and he said, "Mmmm-hmmm. (balloons)...nites (lights)." He was able to play several of the games this year, which made the night even more fun. His favorite game was throwing tennis balls into a basket. Each time he finished throwing the balls in, he would say, "Again." He probably played that game five times before we moved on to something else. The funniest thing about it was how he would perfectly line up all three tennis balls on the ground before he picked them up to throw them. Must be the engineer in him, I guess.
Wait...I have to line up the tennis balls first.

The only thing we couldn't get Jacob to participate in tonight was the hayride. He kept saying, "Nike it" which means, "don't like it." Then later on when we were leaving, one of the hayrides was just getting back and Erika asked him, "You didn't want to go on the hayride?" Jacob responded, "No...tink you. (No thank you.). How funny is that? That's the first time we've ever heard him say, "No thank you."

Jacob and his friend, Dash, from The Incredibles.

It was getting colder, so we stopped to put on another layer.

Hmmm...what do I want to do next?

Is this a great costume, or what?

Yay! Boons!

Look! It's Deh-tub (Jacob)!

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