Friday, February 27, 2009

Pretty Ballerina

Guess who rolled over this week?!?!?!?!!? Yay for Annabelle! She finally rolled over from her tummy to her back Wednesday morning during StrollerFit. Jacob "helped" her roll from her back to her tummy and just as quick as he did that, she rolled back over on her own. I was shocked! She has rolled several more times since then, but I can never get her to perform on camera. I'm still working on that. I thought it was appropriate that she rolled during StrollerFit. While I was exercising, Annabelle was doing a little exercise of her own. :)

We played dress up the other day and I was happy that her little ballerina skirt finally fits. I couldn't wait for her to wear this! Of course, right after our photo session, she spit up on it, but it'll wash!

Here's a sweet brother/sister moment I caught the other day. Jacob loves to make her smile.

I am anxious to see how much she weighs now. She goes to the doctor for her four month visit March 9. Can you believe it? Four months already!

Annabelle also laughed for the first time this week -- not a very big laugh....just a little giggle, but I was so excited to hear it! Again, I can't seem to capture any of those little laughs on camera, but I will soon, hopefully. She is the most precious baby girl!

1 comment:

Heather B said...

Thank you, Paula!!!!!!!! :)