Saturday, December 18, 2010

Choir Debut

Several months before his fourth birthday, Jacob began telling everyone he came into contact with that when he turned four, he was going to be in the preschool choir. That was the one thing he was most excited about. And why wouldn't he be? He loves music. He loves to play instruments. He loves to sing. And most of all, he loves to perform.
Traditionally, the preschool choir has a public church performance twice a year -- one at Christmas, one in the spring. Last Sunday, Jacob made his choir debut in the church. He couldn't wait. He was so excited. He had really been practicing his songs, singing them in the car and around the house, so I knew he was ready. Although, when he practiced at home, his singing was usually accompanied by a dance. I wasn't sure if he would be able to stand still and sing.
He did a great job or as Jacob would say, he was "awesome!" I was proud of all the kids. No matter how many times you rehearse with children, it's impossible to predict how the actual performance will turn out. I was more than pleased with this end result!!

MUCH to my surprise, Annabelle behaved herself during the performance and, like a little lady, sat on the pew "reading" the bulletin...without either of her parents by her side!

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