Thursday, June 2, 2011

Grocery Stores...and the Duncans

A typical trip to the grocery store......

Starts out fine. Fun. Laughs. Cookies. A piece of lunch meat from the deli counter.

Cookies have been devoured. Lunch meat fell on the floor.

"Get off me!" "Stop pushing me!" "Don't touch my steering wheel ' cause I'M DRIVING!" "You're on my side!!!" "Get away!!" "Mommy, Annabelle is trying to open the salad!" "Jacob is sitting on me!" "Annabelle is opening the berries!"

Screaming. Whining. Yelling. Fighting. An occasional laugh. An occasional head shake from a fellow shopper.

All this, and we haven't even left the produce section.

Yep. Just another trip to the grocery store. Thank you, Publix, for putting up with us and not kicking us out...yet.

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