Monday, January 9, 2012

Jesus' Birthday

Thud...thud...thud....I wondered what that sound was coming down the hall.  I peeked around the laundry room door and saw little Annabelle.  She had just gotten out of bed and was carrying her dress-up trunk down the hall to the living room to see what Santa brought.  The load was causing some balance issues and she kept bumping into the wall.  So cute...and so funny.  I couldn't help but laugh.  Boy, she really loves that trunk. 

She beat her brother in the race to wake up first that morning.  Jacob was still sound asleep.  That didn't last long.

Jacob was quite the sleepyhead.  It actually took him a while to wake up.  When he finally remembered it was Christmas morning, he couldn't get to the living room fast enough.

Animal crackers!
 Digging through your stocking on Christmas morning.  Is there anything more fun?  I think stockings are even more fun than wrapped gifts.  You just never know what you will find in a stocking. 

The kids shopped for each other this year.  Heath took Jacob to Target one night, then a couple nights later, Annabelle and I went shopping.  Jacob chose Strawberry Shortcake dolls for his sister.  He knows her well.  Annabelle **chose** Star Wars men for Jacob.  Honestly, Annabelle wasn't really into the whole "let's look at the boy toys" idea.  She was very distracted by princesses and baby dolls.  She put up a fight, but we finally made it to the boy aisles and I convinced her that Star Wars men would make a great gift. 

the aftermath.
I was so happy Christmas fell on a Sunday this year.  I wish it was on Sunday every year.  After all, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of our Savior.  I can't think of a better place to be than God's house on Christmas morning.  While I was excited about worshipping on Christmas morning, the logistics of getting there caused a little anxiety.  I mean, we barely make it to church on time on a regular Sunday.  How in the world would we ever make it on Christmas?? 
Somehow, we did.  Heath and I were able to get up and get ready before Jacob and Annabelle even made a peep.  That made all the difference.  We had plenty of time to open gifts, play with new toys for a little while, put on our church clothes and head out the door. Anxiety level...down...a little. 

All ready for church...and on time.  Can you believe it???
There was no nursery that morning.  I was pretty anxious about having Annabelle sit with us during the worship service. Jacob, I wasn't worried about, but Annabelle?  The girl is a firecracker.  She can't sit still for 10 seconds, much less be quiet...for an hour.  But she did.  It was a Christmas miracle.  She was so excited when we began singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."  She knew all the words and sang evey one in her sweet little three year old voice.  When it was time for the sermon, she sat down on the pew and began pulling out princess band-aids from her new Olivia purse.  (She packed her purse herself.  I didn't know what was in that little bag.)  One by one, she opened them and placed them on her body.  By the end of the service, each of her arms was covered in Disney princess band-aids, from shoulder to wrist.  I didn't care.  It kept her quiet...for a whole 30 minutes!!!  Hallelujah!! 

After church, we were all starving.  Since we knew we'd be travelling in the next few days, the thought of destroying our mostly clean kitchen to cook a big meal, not to mention the hours of clean-up afterwards, just was not appealing.  Instead, we went to IHOP.  I have to say, this was a first for me .. Christmas dinner at IHOP.  It was good...and REALLY good not to have to wash a mountain of dishes after the meal.  This allowed for more playtime...and naptime....when we got home.  The funny thing is, when my parents came, they brought Christmas dinner with them.  They knew I hadn't planned on cooking.  They brought everything -- turkey, vegetables, and all the trimmings...even dessert.  But we all decided IHOP would be easier.  So when they left later on that day, they took their turkey back home with them, along with most of the trimmings.

It was a wonderful Christmas, full of fun, surprises, and special memories.  Just the way it should be.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!  

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